10 thoughts on “Criss Angel disappears….”

  1. This video is wrong!!!!! Before he disappeared, he was standing on the ground. That is why you can see his legs. just before he disappeared he was standing on the table, that is why you don’t see his legs. If there was a mirror you would see the reflection of the table legs in it.

  2. I used to like Criss Angel when he was up and coming. His tricks back then were way better. Now that he is more famous he got lazy and all his tricks suck and are easy to figure out.

  3. adkcub – what they are showing is not his legs, but the shadows. When he is standing on the ground, you do not see any shadows of the nearby trees; when he is standing on the tables, you can see shadows of leaves where he was standing. This shows that mirrors are now part of the trick.

    The diversion is that most people are watching Chriss and not noticing the change under the table.

  4. He openly says he is an illusionist, not a magician. He is an entertainer. If you believe in MAGIC you are doomed.

  5. I don’t know about that, Ikity. I can walk up to a crowd of people and start talking politics and shazam, they disappear, no mirrors or anything.

  6. Criss Angel is ‘eh’. I prefer David Copperfield. Mainly because after making the Statue of Liberty “disappear”, he was asked where it went. He replied I didn’t really make it disappear, but thanks for believing.

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