Anagrams for Bits and Pieces

I put “Bits and Pieces” into the Anagram Server and here are some of the results:

  • Basics Teed Nip
  • Basics Edit Pen
  • Scab Inside Pet
  • Scab Tied Penis
  • Beaned Tic Piss
  • Debate Sic Nips
  • Bad Spices Nite
  • Bad Cites Penis
  • Abed Inspects I
  • Bad Nicest Pies
  • Bad Insect Pies
  • Cabs Denies Tip
  • Bad Nieces Spit
  • Scabies Dip Net


20 thoughts on “Anagrams for Bits and Pieces”

  1. Thanks Deborah. There’s so many that could go with ‘Deb’. First I had ‘I C Deb’s panties’ from ‘Bits and Pieces’ then decided to see what else I could come up with if I included ‘we scour the web…’ Funny how it turned out, especially when I realized I could also make ‘Deborah’.

    I think I offended Kate, though…

    Sorry, Bitscared, never got anything to work out very well for yours. Every time I had some extra letters or words that didn’t fit.

  2. That’s ok Scott. I did cry for a few days but I’ve come out the other side now. *sniffle*

  3. I think you need to be careful what you wish for Infidel. Remember I have breast feed 4 children!

  4. Aha, I think I see where all these comments are going and it’ll
    have to be the first annual B & P Wet T-Shirt Contest.
    Women from the waist up, Men from the waist down.

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