Here are some excerpts from the Onion’s First 100 Days Diary:
DAY 3: Obama takes a few minutes to fill out the change of address card for his Popular Mechanics subscription.
DAY 6: Joe Biden spends the day sitting on a couch in the Oval Office, saying he “just wants to watch.”
DAY 9: Impressionist Rich Little sits in a bathrobe on the floor of his one-bedroom apartment trying to figure out how to say “I am not a crook” like Barack Obama.
DAY 13: President Obama meets with Vermont governor Jim Douglas and is saddened to find that he is not the creator of Garfield.
DAY 18: In one of many historic firsts, Barack Obama becomes the first black president to TiVo MythBusters.
DAY 36: Realizing there are 489 people working in the West Wing, Rahm Emanuel tells his secretary to stop buying cupcakes for everybody’s birthday.
DAY 46: A woman named Candi interrupts a Cabinet meeting to borrow $20 from Joe Biden for cigarettes.
DAY 58: Rahm Emmanuel sends out a memo forbidding any more graphical depictions of what a billion dollars in stacked $1 bills looks like.
DAY 89: To make up for missing the Opening Day first pitch, President Obama closes out the ninth for the Nationals.
DAY 97: Obama falls victim to the so-called “black presidents’ curse,” which holds that every African-American president will stub his toe trying to walk to the bathroom in the early morning hours of his 97th day in office.
Thanks DJ
What would we do without The Onion?
I would put the commentators on this site up againest the Onion any time. For example – In a cost cutting measure, Joe Biden will be bringing his own duct tape to cabinet meetings to keep his mouth shut.
Who’s Barack Obama?
Apparently the Nationals’ star pitcher.
Day 1, 4, 16, 23, 25,…,96,… – VP Joe Biden proves that although The Bill of Rights guarantees Freedom of Speech, it does not confer coherence.