Jonco medical update

Xray5Inquiring minds have inquired as to how I’m feeling.  Much better! On Friday I had my sixth and final physical therapy session.  I’m allowed 20 per year on my insurance, and I’ve progressed about as much as can be expected, so it’s pointless to continue going.

But I’m much better.  I went from being miserable for 6 or 8 weeks to just mildly agitated.  Definitely tolerable.  I haven’t had any pain medication in over a week now.  It still bothers me a little, but nothing like it was a couple of weeks ago.  I go back to the specialist May 11th. 

When I first started experiencing these pains I researched it and read that many times it will go away on it’s own in about a month.  My pain subsided, but it took almost 2 months.  I’m not sure if the PT really helped or not, but I learned some good posture habits.  Now, will I use what I’ve learned? – that’s the question.  I just hope I don’t regress into the pain again.

I would like to thank all those who offered advice and well wishes.  I do appreciate that very much.

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10 thoughts on “Jonco medical update”

  1. That’s what I figured. I’ve been in IT for over 30 years and at times I feel like Quasmodo.

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