11 thoughts on “Spinal Tat”

  1. The C-4 and C-5 discs appear to be herniated, hence the neck position as I witnessed at The Tilted Kilt as you watched the barmaids.

  2. If infidel was thinking of taking an anatomy class, he could bone up on her. Who am I kidding, he doesn’t need to take a class to bone up.

  3. why???????????
    for what purpose??????????

    Is it you screaming out from the your neck of the dying woods saying, “look at me, I am special, I am a cool, unique individual”?

    I know, I know, to each their own BUT that doesn’t mean I can’t acknowledge your graphicness with a question of a simple and unjudgemental, “why?”.

  4. That ought to stir up conversation at the beach. It pretty much guarantees a lifetime of people saying behind your back, “What kind of shortsighted fool does something like that?”

  5. I’m guessing you two ^ don’t have any tattoos. The reason is usually personal. Maybe she suffered from curvature of the spine and after years of wearing a brace and having surgeries her spine is now straight. She could be celebrating that by printing her new and beautifully straight spine on her back. On the other hand it does look like she has a sperm tat on her shoulder so maybe she is just a freak. Dunno.


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