60 thoughts on “Dead pirate stats”

  1. I do like him! Not because he is black, but because intelligent. His handling of Chavez was what I expect from an American president. His handling of idiots who derided him for “being friendly with our enemies” was even more masterful. He called them “an imaginative group”. This handling of the pirates is just one small event in a long list of things he is doing right. It’s like the parents came home to the White House in November and tossed the partying teenagers out.

  2. Ummm, I beg to differ…the U.S. Navy SEALS killed those pirates, under the direction of Obama. Just like the U.S. Marines kiled those pirates 200 years ago under the direction of Andy Jackson.

  3. This clown has the Marines put 3 bullets into the skulls of 3 teenage pirates who hadn’t killed anyone, trapped in a tiny boat with no fuel and with no food on board hundreds of miles out to sea surrounded by Navy ships but he wants to close Guantanamo and release or repatriate enemy combatants captured on the battlefield who were killing our troops so they can go back and try again?

    He won’t allow his administration to use the word ‘terrorism’ when referring to the bad guys building IEDs or bombing kids on school buses or killing gays or bombing trains and hotels full of innocents, but it’s fine to use that same word referring to our own returning veterans?? Yet as a state legislator he voted for post-birth abortion…more than once?

    I support his decision on the pirates, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Overall, he’s an @sshol@.

  4. DJ, you might have looked at it differently if you were the Captain they rescued. He jumped overboard once, giving the snipers the opportunity to take out his captors, but those poor teenage pirates with no food and no fuel (damn that chokes me up, the way you portrayed them)dove in the water and dragged him back in the boat. What would a non-clown person do instead?

  5. Just like the U.S. Marines kiled those pirates 200 years ago under the direction of Andy Jackson.

    200 years about would have been 1809, which would have given you late Jefferson or early Madison. Jefferson was famous for sending the Marines into what is now Libyan territory to deal with pirates.

    Madison is infamous for signing a peace treaty with them.

    Andy Jackson, who was president in 1829-1837, was more famous for killing native people, and for corruption .

  6. Bill…You completely missed my larger point…you didn’t finish reading my first sentence. And you also missed where I said I supported his decision on the pirates. Reread and at least try to connect the dots.

    Larry…You da man. Where do I click to buy you a beer?

  7. DJ and Larry – I suspect that Joe#2 is in here posing as Bill. Dunno for sure. Wonder how long it will be before race pimps Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson start ranting about the murder of innocent black teens by our military?

  8. Larry, I liked the way you put that. DJ, as always I appreciate your insight. Richard, if it hasn’t already happened, it will soon. If you see those two clowns’s lips moving they’re playing the race card. If they’re not playing the race card, they’re about to.

  9. I only wish this 4th pirate had gone to Davy Jones’ locker too, to avoid the coming media circus and ACLU fest about to happen in NYC. I think we all know who’s going to end up portrayed as the victim here. When he’s let go on some legal technicality, watch for CBS to hire him as a commentator.

    Yaaay….Deborah rrrrrr back!

  10. First of all I don’t “pose” as anybody. If you want to see who I am click on my profile link. Secondly, I think it’s a shame that Jonco’s most vocal and loyal readers are a bunch of right-wing racists who like to ridicule our president, while he tries to pull us out of the mess that Bush got us into. Hopefully Jonco wont ban me for speaking my mind, because I really like his stuff here, but you guys had the steering wheel for 8 years and drove us off a cliff, now we have the chance to set things right with the economy, regulation and relations with the rest of the world and all you want to do is boo and hiss. You need to quit watching Fox News and listening to Rush Limbaugh and start thinking for yourselves.

  11. Bill – I don’t think anybody said anything racist about your president. You were the first one to quickly bring up his race. Again. As liberals constantly do. Why can’t you get over that? And Richard mentioned two real racists…if you want to end racism, start with racists…the people who can ONLY see black and white and nothing else.

    Why, if someone is against the huge spending in Washington, or the huge bailout, or they disagree with anything this guy does, are they now called racist by you liberals?

    And if you think the car is going off the cliff, why does this president tie a rope around the steering wheel and slam a concrete block on the gas pedal, knowing that in the history of this planet, no nation has ever spent and taxed it’s way to prosperity? (Does that make me racist???)

  12. DJ, you are definitely in the Right-winger category and I have a newsflash for you… he is YOUR president too. Richard and Gary are the racists here. Another thing, I am no F**king liberal, I believe in the death penalty, no more affirmative action and I don’t like the idea of gay marriages, I like the idea of a strong military, but not for invading other countries for their oil. Truth be told, I would probably be considered a good Eisenhower conservative. So no, I am not calling you a racist, but you are hanging onto an ideology that has failed miserably, in practice. The financial meltdown was brought on by foolish neocon principles and the stimulus spending doing its part to shore up our financial system, while bringing relief to the majority of Americans who need it the most. You really don’t understand economics, that much is evident from your “no nation has ever spent and taxed it’s way to prosperity” statement. When you spend money putting people to work, just as FDR did in the New Deal, you are creating prosperity for the nation.

  13. I think its quite refreshing to read comments from both sides about this new presidency. How about everyone chill, let the man make some decisions and then we debate about how effective they are in 2 – 3 years.

    Jonco, Love The Site
    Infidel..those jugs are way too big

  14. Bill–if we invaded a country for its oil, why are our gas prices so high? And why are we feverishly building hospitals, schools, etc., in Iraq instead of rebuilding their oil fields and a way to get that oil to the US? And with all the oil we have in our own country, why invade another country for their oil?

    The thing that scares me about our President is not the fact that he is half-black, but what he said to the guy commonly referred to as “Joe the Plumber” that most of the media white-washed. Remember, when Joe said he was planning to buy a small business that would increase his income, he asked if his taxes would go up, Mr. Obama replied that it was better to redistribute the wealth so everyone can succeed. So instead of letting people rise to their own successes, he wants to drag all of us down to the lowest common denominator of our country.

    To see how well this worked, take a look at the Pilgrims. On the way over to the new world, the entered an agreement that all production would be shared equally; in other words, they wanted a socialist society. Once they got here, they “set up shop” that way–and soon realized that they would get the same amount of food whether they raised any or not. Guess what? After a season or two, they abandoned socialism and went with capitalism. The very next growing season, they harvested more crops than when they were socialists. Yes, this was a small test of socialism, but it is very telling how socialism reduces hard work and production.

    And that is what we conservatives are fighting. And for the record, I have voted for our presidents for about the last 6 presidential elections, and I have yet to vote for someone I wanted in the White House, but voted for the lesser of the evils. I have a dream that some day there will be a presidential candidate worth voting for.

  15. lol. Ive been checking this blog out for a while, and just recently started commenting. Its cool. Each political post starts a whole political thread.. its cool!!! BTW im one of those right wing religious racists, so I should fit right in.

  16. Mike:

    You’re right, I got the president wrong, but not the USMC history:

    On 16 February 1804 LT Stephen Decatur led 74 volunteers into Tripoli harbor to burn the captured American frigate The Philadelphia

    In 1805 Marines stormed the Barbary pirates’ harbor fortress stronghold of Derna (Tripoli), commemorated in the Marine Corp Hymn “To the Shores of Tripoli.”

    They were pirates, and the Marines killed them – two hundred (and four/five) years ago

    I should have realized that my rounding to “200 years” would offend some internet know-it-all for being approx. 4 or 5 years off. Next time I will be sure to quote date and time (EST) so as not to ruffle your feathers.

  17. LOL at disagreeing with the current administration’s policies being equivalent to espousing those of his predecessor! CONGRESS has spent all that money, and it is full of rich white guys and girls. Does thinking they are on the wrong track make me a racist?

    Bush was NOT a fiscal conservative. His social conservatism was sufficient to keep the majority of conservatives pacified, while he spent billions. He spent way too much money, he just spent it differently than Obama. However, CONGRESS actually spent that money there too. The sum of money spent in the past 5 months is staggering, especially considering that the money isn’t actually there to spend, it is being borrowed.

    As for the pirates, he only authorized force if they felt Captain Phillips was in direct danger. Same rules of engagement any police officer operates under, more restrictive in some ways actually – police snipers might have fired sooner since they don’t usually let a situation fester for several days. President Obama made the right call, but it was far from impressive or unusual. If he had said “If you get the shots, take them” I might be impressed by his no-nonsense approach, but he didn’t. He said “If you think they are going to kill the US civilian they are holding, you may use force to stop them.” That said, he probably made the right call, since bloodthirsty behavior by our troops in hostage situations is highly unlikely to improve the pirate situation over there.

  18. sigh….. the messiah and the liberals still blame Bush,the fuc*ing Dems have had control of Congress for 2 years,is it true that Bush was no Conservative and he he went apesh*t with spending but he is far better than the messiah could ever hope to be,Killer Rabbit you have it right

  19. I’m pretty sure Obama was against the killing of these pirates and that the marines “strongly encouraged” him to allow them to engage. Otherwise they would have taken the pirates out when the ship captain jumped out of the boat. At that time the marines were instructed to do nothing and wait. I hardly credit this to Obama.

  20. Bill – I don’t think the New Deal created prosperity…it actually caused a recession in the middle of the Depression…WWII ended the Depression and put people to work. FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury said, “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and now if I am wrong somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosper. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started. And enormous debt to boot.”

    And yeah, I suppose he is OUR president…I guess I got influenced by all the ‘Not My President’ stickers I’ve seen on all your cars for 8 years. Guess that sticker used to be pretty funny…suddenly now you’re offended. Double standard yet again.

    And I think Gary and Richard still have got you confused…Pointing out a couple of blatant racists does not make one a racist. Jackson and Sharpton have long sordid histories, and I feel safe saying that M L King would not have condoned most of their actions and words over the past 4 decades.

    Financial meltdown?? Hint: Dodd. Frank. Congress.

  21. So many misconceptions, so little time…

    “Bill–if we invaded a country for its oil, why are our gas prices so high?”

    File that one under “WHY ARE BIG OIL’S PROFITS SO HIGH?”

    “And why are we feverishly building hospitals, schools, etc., in Iraq instead of rebuilding their oil fields and a way to get that oil to the US?”

    KBR and Bechtel wanted on the gravy train with BIG OIL, Haliburton, and Blackwater.

    “And with all the oil we have in our own country, why invade another country for their oil?”

    One, it costs us 25 bucks a barrel to pump it out of our reserves, because the deeper you drill the more expensive the cost. Iraq’s oil is 1.5 bucks a barrel to pump out of the ground.
    Two, at our current rate of consumption our entire reserves wouldn’t last 3 years, if we quit importing oil.

    Joe the Plumber is an idiot and a tool.

    Unless you make more than 250,000 a year, your taxes are not going up and if you are like 90% of the population your taxes will go down. We are not talking about socialism, although I would prefer socialism to where we are headed and that is feudalism. A redistribution is in order and Obama is going about it the right way. He is creating job with money he will get from taxing the rich. Bush, on the other hand made a few people rich while taxing the rest of us.

  22. Headshots on Pirates who might kill one guy is “ok”. But waterboarding terrorists who might kill many is really bad, and the people who did it should be punished. Bush was so evil!!

  23. Bill, please explain how taxes are going down for 90% (Obama says 95%) when 40% of the population don’t pay any taxes now? Sounds like political math to me.

  24. When O taxes “the rich” (ie corporations and employers) and puts higher taxes and regs on your utilities and gasoline and energy production and imports and on & on, everybody’s everything will be going up. Hasn’t anyone learned anything from the GM story over the past several decades? What the govt did to what was once the largest most successful company in the world? But no, BO has a plan for all those businesses you buy from and work for…

  25. You take the cake DJ! You just blamed GM’s demise on the government. It’s fun to spar with wing-nuts, but after a while I just chuckle and say “What’s the use!” Seventy percent of the population approve of what Obama is doing and you guys are now in the minority, plus you no longer have control. Before when Bush was in charge, I was very vocal and a moderator at Thom Hartmann’s blog. I was outraged and stressed out daily over all the crap Bush pulled. Now I am at peace and only jump in political discussions for amusement. It’s your turn to piss and moan over every little thing Obama does…

    Here, take my Xanax! I don’t need them anymore.

  26. @ Richard: Forget percentages, just look at what will happen. If you make over $250K per year, your taxes are going to go from 36% to a whopping, unheard of, completely unthinkable rate of 39%. Yup, and increase of 3%. So if your taxable income is $250K, your tax liability increases from $90K to $97.5K, or an increase of %7500 per year, which amounts to %144.23 per week. From where do you get your 40% of the population pays no taxes statistic? Inquiring minds want to know.

    @ Bill: Dude, welcome to the fray!!

  27. Secondly, I think it’s a shame that Jonco’s most vocal and loyal readers are a bunch of right-wing racists who like to ridicule our president,

    Back when Jon was making fun of Bush we were a bunch of commies. Now we’re providing equal time for Obama and lo and behold, now we’re right-wing racists.

    I’m going to make fun of the president, if he deserves it, no matter who he is.

    The fact that Obama is a self styled “Mutt” ( his own words) kinda takes the race issue out of the picture for those of us who have yet to bring it up

    Obama isn’t going to get a free pass here just because it offends you.

    I survived being branded a leftist by those who supported Bush and I sure as hell will survive you.

  28. Bill, first thing, you don’t know me, so don’t presume you can misread a post from me and deduce that I’m a racist. Those that do know me, know that I am open minded, accepting and caring in regards to those of a different race, creed, nationality, religion and gender. (Did I miss a category?) There are probably people in all those categories that I do not like, but there is always a reason and that reason is not because they happen to fall into one of those “categories.” I dislike Obama as Prez, for many of the same reasons that I disliked Clinton and Carter. You want to call me a conservative, mea culpa. I am proud to bear that label, though I don’t follow any strict party line. And many conservatives would say I’m too moderate. But I digress.

    Secondly Bill, if you can’t see the blatant racism in the words and actions of Sharpton and Jackson and their ilk, then likely nothing I say will open your eyes.

    However, know this, having dark skin does not grant one immunity from the charge of
    racism. Also, if you are willing to play the race card simply as a means of achieving media face time. Then you are worse than a racist and have become a pathetic hypocritical parasite.

  29. This idea that Obama or any other holder of public office deserves a free pass is laughable. Depending on the person, I’m either embarrassed for them for their naivety or pissed at them for their hypocrisy.

  30. “Then you are worse than a racist and have become a pathetic hypocritical parasite.”

    Methinks thou dost protest too much!

    Thanks Paul! (handshake) I knew Jonco’s fans weren’t all knuckle-draggers.

    Mike, my apologies, I should have said “SOME OF Jonco’s most vocal and loyal readers” You and many others didn’t deserve inclusion.

  31. Obama is kicking arse. If you don’t see it it’s because you want to be Republican for the rest of your life without possibility of enlightenment.

    Rock on!

  32. Paul – According to the OMB, 40% of the U.S. population has no tax consequences, either not working, too young, or making too little. Thats where I get my info from. Prezbo cannot lower taxes for 90-95% for all americans, period.

  33. @ Richard–as I said, forget the statistic percentage. You cannot refute the facts of my post to you. Are you one of the few who will face that Draconian tax increase of 3%? If not, then what is your argument?

    @ Bill, handshake right back! Hartmann is a rare bird on talk radio, in that he will bring in people on the other side of the aisle and carry on a rational and intelligent discussion. I can’t see Savage or Limbaugh or Hannity or Beck or any of that ilk doing the same.

  34. “Methinks thou dost protest too much!”

    Once again Bill you can’t see the illogic in your own argument for focusing on the “perceived” bias in the one you deem racist. If George Wallace, J B Stoner and Lester Maddox were nasty pathetic racists (as they surely were in my opinion) then just as surely Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are self serving hypocritical parasites for screaming racism whether it is present or not. In fact, it is better for their self serving purposes for it to be a false claim. For if racism is present then the public focus must shift, to the offensive behavior or action. If no legitimate racism can be found, the focus and spotlight may remain on the accusers. The aforementioned racists had no moral high ground to claim, they were in the wrong and they knew it. The self serving duo on the other hand, claim the high ground of fighting racism, even if it is not there. By doing so they corrupt the fight against legitimate racism, and all in the name of self promotion and attention. So, I think that highly qualifies them for the title, pathetic hypocritical parasites.

    Also Bill
    “Another thing, I am no F**king liberal”
    I realize you are not into clear thinking, so go look in the mirror, that big L tattooed on your forehead doesn’t stand for level headed…Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


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