The Cat in the Fax –
1 cat, 2 cat, 3 cat, 4,
Fax me once, then fax me more,
Scan my fur, then scan my feces,
Send me quick to Bits & Pieces.
Apologies to Theodore Geisel….and you know, it’s really, really hard to come up with an acceptable rhyme for Bits & Pieces….but I guess I should be glad it’s not called Nips & Tucks.
Just what we need, more cats.
Cat Scan may have been a better title.
Just the fax ma’am.
and please don’t get catty.
Dail, You’re right. Cat scan would have been better. Where were you when I needed you?
The Cat in the Fax –
1 cat, 2 cat, 3 cat, 4,
Fax me once, then fax me more,
Scan my fur, then scan my feces,
Send me quick to Bits & Pieces.
Apologies to Theodore Geisel….and you know, it’s really, really hard to come up with an acceptable rhyme for Bits & Pieces….but I guess I should be glad it’s not called Nips & Tucks.
The cat scan showed there were several toothy, elongated fish in this cat’s gut. He was gar-filled.