17 thoughts on “Talk show host in Argentina”

  1. The category “Women” is simply too broad (no pun intended). I submit to you that the above talk show host and Rosie O’Donnell are both in the above mentioned category. This is entirely unacceptable. Please help me break it down into smaller sub-categories please.

  2. Mike F – Are you kidding??
    Infidel would hit that so hard that whoever pulled him out would be crowned King of England!

  3. Would any of you be able to listen to her even if you could understand her language?
    That was such a stupid question. I’m sorry fellows. Keep dreaming.

  4. DAYUM thats DAYUM close to the perfect woman,I would have lots of fun with that rack,if I was on that show she would have something on her

  5. Although I don’t speak a lick of Spanish, I believe the flat screen beside her says “Night of the Bigguns”. Megos means bigguns doesn’t it?


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