8 thoughts on “9 people go to ER 2,678 times in five years”

  1. That averages 60 ER visits a year for each of these hypochondriacs.
    It’s hard to wrap my mind around that kind of lunacy…In my 49 years I have been to the ER maybe 10 times.

  2. I wonder if scaring them might work. “The next time that you feel the need to call 911, it will be obvious that you need extreme surgery, maybe a lobotomy or a sex change”…Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.

  3. I’m 37 and I’ve NEVER been to an emergency room. Of course, it’s also been eight years since I last called in sick.

  4. Unfortunate encounters have been my excuses
    1) Tablesaw
    2) Jointer
    3) Lathe
    4)Miter saw
    5) chainlink fence
    6) Nail gun
    7) Auto accident
    8) Broken leg (thanks to my horse)

  5. I once went to the ER four times in four days, but I was having genuine problems… like not breathing, and having an allergic reaction to the meds that they gave me, which resulted in me breaking a tooth, and my tongue swelling to the point that it literally wouldn’t stay in my mouth…which resulted in my dad taking pictures…

  6. ah my tax payer money at work. Just think when we get socialized medical care everyone will be able to do this.

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