14 thoughts on “Obama Fried Chicken”

  1. Racist is a frame of mind, let the person who can honestly say they are unbiased step forward. I will try to keep from laughing.

  2. srt420, what brings you bach after insulting all of us last night? I hope you have brass balls. Brace yourself..

  3. Im embarrassed for America. I don’t find anything racist about it. It just illustrates how many ignorant lemmings there are in the country. I guess this is why we need a leader. To run them all over the cliff.

    If only it was that easy.

  4. Drew – You must be new around here. During the election campaign, no matter what Jonco posted here, somebody with their spring wound too tight would get their skivvies in a twist about it and scream racist. Sometimes it was worth a good spirited discussion, a lot of times it was somebody teetering on the edge of sanity who had lost the ability to use any kind of common sense.

    So, just like any picture of any female with a pulse calls for somebody to ask “WIHI?”, and any picture of dubious origins begs someone to declare “Shooped”, any picture that refers to Dear Leader is going to elicit the comment “racist”. It’s sarcasm meant to push the buttons of the thin-skinned, most of whom have faded back into their spider-holes since the election.

  5. I guess I should lower the quips to that of lemming level to understand the humor. Heaven forbid someone try some new creativity. And nearly all when asked. Would you? With a bat, three times and with your…

    Now pay my mortgage!

  6. had to share, this place that you have pictured above made the cover of AMNew York ( an NYC publication that’s given out free in the city)

    you can see a couple of other pictures, comments by the owner and the article at amNY.com

    (I know the comment is late, but when I saw it on the cover of the paper with the headline “What the Cluck” I had to relocate where I had seen the picture first and share!)

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