Tweety Bird struggles with old age

Born in 1942, Tweety Bird is showing his 67 years of struggle trying to keep away from that putty tat Sylvester.  The balding bird is mostly retired, but every now and them he puts on a wig and gets a shot of Geritol and makes an appearance.


All about Tweety

Thanks Bella

16 thoughts on “Tweety Bird struggles with old age”

  1. Sylvester passed away in 2002. he got hooked up with the wrong crowd. An Acme anvil landed on his head, the investigation continues to this day.

  2. Sylvester passed away in 2002. he got hooked up with the wrong crowd. An Acme anvil landed on his head, the investigation continues to this day.
    OH! You’re my new favorite blogger fyi

  3. I just realized that if you turn tweety over, it looks like a really small pecker attached to a large scrotum (that’s balls to you KLAW).

  4. omg i didnt neva kno dat he looked lyk dat now hes so UGLY but 67 is very old az i can say..but he will alwayz b remembered az ”i tawt i taw a puddy cat” lol i love dat lil bird!!!!

  5. i love tweety. i can’t wait to see you in birdie heaven. love forever irene. you are real. no matter what no one says


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