It can be up or down. It’s more fun when it’s up, but it makes it hard to get any real work done.
In the long-distant past, its only purpose was to transmit information considered vital to the survival of the species. Some people still think that’s the only thing it should be used for, but most folks today use it for fun most of the time.
It has no conscience and no memory. Left to its own devices, it will just do the same damn dumb things it did before.
It provides a way to interact with other people. Some people take this interaction very seriously, others treat it as a lark. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what kind of person you’re dealing with until it’s too late.
If you don’t apply the appropriate protective measures, it can spread viruses.
It has no brain of its own. Instead, it uses yours. If you use it too much, you’ll find it becomes more and more difficult to think coherently.
We attach an importance to it that is far greater than its actual size and influence warrant.
If you’re not careful what you do with it, it can get you in big trouble.
It has its own agenda. Somehow, no matter how good your intentions, it will warp your behavior. Later you may ask yourself “why on earth did I do that?”
Some folks have it, some don’t.
Those who have it would be devastated if it were ever cut off. They think that those who don’t have it are somehow inferior. They think it gives them power. They are wrong.
Those who don’t have it may agree that it’s a nifty toy, but think it’s not worth the fuss that those who do have it make about it. Still, many of those who don’t have it would like to try it.
Once you’ve started playing with it, it’s hard to stop.
Some people would just play with it all day if they didn’t have work to do.
yea thats the truth
where’s all the porn jokes??? lol
The bigger the speed the better, many people prefer a larger speed. Even as we speak scientist are inventing devices to enlarge it.
Gonzar, ummm this is a family site. My face is red.
Yeah…it’s gotten me into trouble more than a few times…
UMMM, Kate you claim a penis has gotten you in trouble? In 200,000 words or less please expain, I have never heard of a penis misbehaving. dunno.
^ I can’t wait to hear this…could be helpful. I’m trying to train mine now, but it’s hard…
Sometimes in the morning they are uncontrollable, but they soon calm down. DJ, sometimes you need to beat the snot out of them.
Sometimes I want to ask it. What is going on in your head?
The damn squirt.
I didn’t say IT was misbehaving…
Ok, ok. My friend and I were at the storage place, moving some furniture, and…I was bending over or something, and he got a little excited. And public storage places are, in fact, quite public.
It was totally worth it, though.
IDEA: next open mic night, I’ll declare it story time for you boys. Just for fun. 😛
Nothing sweeter than seeing a box bent over a pile of boxes.
That was completely inappropriate.
Jeez, Kate…. I believe you started it! Tag, you’re it.
Man, so touchy…
Jeez, am I banned?………you’re it. They play that in Canada, eh?
Yup, Tag KLAW, now you’re it.
How is this game won???
Best boobies wins.
Crap, I’m out. Where’s Bitsy??
e-mail me…[email protected], don’t rule yourself out.
AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! I win. I’ll see what I can do… I don’t exactly carrying around pictures of my tits…
May the best twins win.
Contestant#1……very nice,thank you.
Kate’s got it.
We might have a 3 way tie…..the taste test is next.
There you go. From my ex’s uncle’s wedding.
Dude, we can’t declare a winner without infidel. Where the crap is he?
Taste test???
Yea, any ideas? I really dig whipped cream.
Dude, I got stabbed in the eye last time whipped cream was involved. Like, there was blood. And an outrageous amount of tequila.
Oh hey! I found the picture of my sunburn!
oh oh, no.4 just emailed, we gotta get Infidel, a very TIGHT race.
Dude, who’s number 4? What number am I?
It might boil down to complete nudity, butt it looks like Bella has a slight lead. dunno
Kate you ere running a close second after seeing the storage unit thing, hope you dumped that loser.
KLAW owes Jonco a beer.
After further review, Kate is ahead by an RCH.I am a sucker for sun burned tits, the finalist will be awarded a small gift on 3-24.
heh heh hahahahahaha …… small gift……LOL…LOL
Homina homina, #17 looks mighty sweet, Infidel, are they enhanced?
It just might turn into a way BIGGER gift. dunno
where are the pics damn it I will rate you,Kate what happened to your icon
*gasp* I don’t know. I’ll fix it.
Infidel, what’s your email?
All I have to say is 16H and they taste like breast milk. They have also been so sunburnt I got a small scar. And there is a lizard tattooed between them. Not a trouser snake.
No photos and Kate you can have the prize.
Where’s Deborah? She is very fine!
Just found a better conversion chart. That would be 42H.
Damn Kate – you’ve got me feeling all Infidelesque with that avatar.
Are… those… you?
yes, that’s me
42H DAYUM I would really love those thats all I would ever need…pics DAMN IT lets see those puppies you can keep them covered,Kate Im quessing c’s or d’s but they are DAYUM nice
More pics!