If you loof forf ANYTHING you can find an equal number of puppies, goldfish or images of Tron in all this garbage. The otyher day I saw a cinder block that was exactly the same shape as my computer. Praise be to the computer!
My genetalia looks like the Virgin Mary.
The guy on the front is Dave Anderson! He’s part of Mark and Dave on 1190kex.com in Portland, OR, and is a host on AM Northwest. Funny that he is the preview pic for this film. 🙂
Jesus, all that food is making me hungry. I’ll take the Jesus toast with a side of Jesus ice cream to go.
I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell those people. Heck, maybe Jesus is even on it!
WTF?? They never even mentioned The Miracle of the Atheist Toast.
If you loof forf ANYTHING you can find an equal number of puppies, goldfish or images of Tron in all this garbage. The otyher day I saw a cinder block that was exactly the same shape as my computer. Praise be to the computer!
My genetalia looks like the Virgin Mary.
The guy on the front is Dave Anderson! He’s part of Mark and Dave on 1190kex.com in Portland, OR, and is a host on AM Northwest. Funny that he is the preview pic for this film. 🙂