So the meat just shows up, eh? They should show the pork slaughter too, for the kids to learn how it’s made. I’m not a vegetarian, but people should never forget that millions of animals die each day for us. Reply
Reader, when my children were young, they witnessed the evils of harvesting corn. They will not touch it, they scream at the sight of creamed corn. Reply
So the meat just shows up, eh? They should show the pork slaughter too, for the kids to learn how it’s made.
I’m not a vegetarian, but people should never forget that millions of animals die each day for us.
Yeah, but we all know you can’t spell slaughter without laughter.
I give thanks every day that God made animals out of such tasty meat. What a plan!
They evolved.
Reader, when my children were young, they witnessed the evils of harvesting corn. They will not touch it, they scream at the sight of creamed corn.
^ And mashed potatoes. And squaaasssshh. Oh the humanity! Hey Klaw…pass the A1…
No can do, it has vegetable oil in it, sorry.
They should market one with motor oil in it…for Manly Men.
WD-40 is fish oil, will that work?