16 thoughts on “Potato Salad”

  1. This is kinda what I always imagine the entertainment at infidel’s place is like on the weekends.
    I spose they can’t do this anymore 60 years on, eh? And who’d watch?
    In other news, how come nobody writes 4 minute long musical extravaganzas about potato salad anymore?

  2. hell yes I would take all of them…back then,DAYUM I would never run out of different ways to do it,sorry Bella its income tax time here in the U.S. I got to see how much I have to pay the ASSCLOWNS

  3. When’s the B&P picnic, anyway? Are the ladies getting together to bring the potato salad? Bring a few potato salads for a contest. First place gets a blue ribbon and a drysack.


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