How do you pronounce Oklahoma? February 9, 2009 by Jonco You’re probably doing it wrong. The proper way to pronounce Oklahoma is “Okla…..homa” (there’s a pause between the A and the H) Thanks Stan 00
Correction, there is a great valley between Okla & homa……. Oklavalleyhoma. With an emphasis on “oh hell yeah”
Of course, when she’s 50 and laying flat on her back in bed, they’ll be flopped to her sides and you’ll be able to iron your shirt on her…just sayin`
(Would Infidel Motor Boat It?)
Correction, there is a great valley between Okla & homa……. Oklavalleyhoma.
With an emphasis on “oh hell yeah”
Has to be the only time I’ve ever “wanted” to be in the middle of Okla -hubbba hubbba – Homa!
That’s a repeat. Give it a week and go for three,
Three what?
Three times that lady!
She is a true fan.
I think infi already did!
I love this new blog format! Lots more boobage!
Really at this point, who cares lol
YEAH I would love to hit that,hell I would marry that
In a land where corn is high as an elephant’s eye
Elephants look down your shirt.
I think you’ll find that that is pronounced “Okla…Jesus!…Homa”
Would pronounce it, “Ok…muph..mmmph…mmmmph…mppphf….ma…”
Of course, when she’s 50 and laying flat on her back in bed, they’ll be flopped to her sides and you’ll be able to iron your shirt on her…just sayin`
Motor boat, motor boat, putt putt putt, she’s got girls that’ll whip your butt.
divid and concor
Boooooooooooooooomer Sooooooooooooner