B&P changes? New theme and new logo?

I’m thinking about changing the theme on B&P.  I’ve had a request to “Please change the marquee and colors and the outdated stuff”.  I’ve started looking at new themes and I might try one out in the next few days. 

Since my t-shirt printer hasn’t started on my shirts yet, perhaps I should think about a new logo for the site too. 

So, if anyone is interested in submitting a design idea I’d be open to looking at it.  By viewing a sample of the theme I’m considering I’ve determined that the logo needs to be about 941 pixels wide and 151 pixels high.

I don’t want it to be too complex, so don’t spend too much time on it.  I’m partial to including the Arch in it but that’s not mandatory.  It should have the title “Bits & Pieces” and the tagline:  “We scour the web so you don’t have to.”

So, if anyone wants to submit an idea send it to:  [email protected] … preferably in a .jpeg format.

19 thoughts on “B&P changes? New theme and new logo?”

  1. The Arch should be a requirement. That’s so distinctive. Not many other blogs on the planet can use it.

    If it was me, I’d just change the coloring/shading of the logo to match the different seasons or holidays or your mood once in a while.

    I’d also like to see a permanent map up in a corner with reader locals, and a category over there -> ->
    called Reader’s Mugshots. (Why’d that stop??)

  2. Will WIHI be a part of the new design? But seriously, i’ve also thought it would be nice to have a mugshot category. I like to put a face with a name.

  3. TORX, right on man! I was thinking about having an eagle with bigass KLAWS perched atop the Arch pooping on visitors.

  4. I was kinda thinking that it’s more of a baby sh!t brown color as opposed to gold. I liked the first B&P headliner but it’s sure nice to see everybodies ideas. I like the Arch, it’s a part of you. And I do like the idea of Our Mugshots. I’s scared before to put mine in, but I will if you set something up. Good Luck and we’ll all be here…whatever! XOXO

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