The 25 most commonly misspelled words
Now I know why Mike F and Scott and DJ (among others) are always correcting my spelling. I did bad on this test.
I allways thout I was a decsent speeler.
The 25 most commonly misspelled words
Now I know why Mike F and Scott and DJ (among others) are always correcting my spelling. I did bad on this test.
I allways thout I was a decsent speeler.
Umm, Jonoo…I don’t thimk I ever due that….
Pop quiz:
__ I should of paid more attention in school.
__ I should have paid more attention in school.
Got 23 correct, 85%
17 correct, which surprises me,I thought I was better than that.
Time to turn on spellcheck.
lmao Im not even gonna try it
Come on Infidel, Hit It!
Actually, I can’t spell worth a damn. If spell check had not been invented I would never be able to write without driving some poor editor insane.
Thoses are some pretty tough words.
Got 21 correct, but I disagree on dependant vs. dependent. American Heritage says both are acceptable without indicating a preference.
I mainly missed the ones where alternate spellings are also acceptable…
Ouch, I’m quite good with language and still only got 16/27 right… I guess however good you are at spelling, there’s always improvement to be made!
Well we already new I couldn’t spell!
I scored 19 out of 25. And DJ, it’s ‘should have’. ‘should of’ is terrible English!
Got 24 correct (89 %). Not bad for a Frenchman!! ^^ But I guess American people got accustomed (another nice word to spell, btw) to those spellings and must be confused at times…
18/27 with some mistakes in words where several spellings could be considered correct (especially here outside of the N American continent). And I disagreed with e.g. Q21 where I thought _all options_ were incorrect (should have been ‘privile*d*ge’)…
BTW, folks relying totally on spell checkers: do yourself a favour, turn *off* the checking and learn your language… I challenge you: beat someone with English as his third language… 😉
I’m Portuguese, Sebastian is French, shouldn’t you people be a bit embarrassed about having foreigners write better English than you?