According to $TIMATOR, the Bits and Pieces website is worth $212,538.
$timator is a real-time website value estimator. The engine deliveries the most accurate economical value that a website could worth by collecting important data from different sources.
The results are indexed to database references and to the financial market in order to re-produce, as real as possible, how much investors are prepared to invest.
This just amazes me. I checked a couple other sites that I think are more popular than B&P and it rates them a fourth as valuable. I know people like B&P, but $212,000 ???
I could make someone a great deal! Anyone interested? I’m open to offers.
The explanation went right over my head. Can somebody ‘splain to me where the info came from? Nobody asked me what my favorite site was. Did any of you get a call???
I’m not sure how accurate that the info is, but I’ll go with it.
My Blog’s value ( $5,280,341 yep 5 MILLION DOLLARS!
My Company’s website value ( $209.00
I’m with you, I’ll sell the blog and write 1 post per day for FREE for a year. Any takers?
My sad little blog os only worth $40 that SUCKS Thanks Jonco for crushing my pathetic dreams….
From the site :
“For a sub-domain you have to take under consideration if you are in a ( for example ) wordpress or blogspot context or in a situation where the sub-domain is an important piece of the main domain otherwise the final estimator value could be higher.” is getting value from blogspot traffic… ;))
Jeez…this place is starting to get a little too rich for my tastes.
BTW Jonco and Mrs Jonco – -> Before you sell the site…I’m available for adoption.
Maybe you’d like to hear the pitter-patter of size 13s around the mansion again?
my myspace “” is worth $492,075,916 HAHAHAHHAHAHA, of course I know it’s not because of my little name after it that is causing the amount to be so large but still pretty funny.
my livejournal “” is worth $5,028,802
Well, I like to look at things the old fashioned way. The value of a business, not the assets, mind you, but the business, should be 5 times its net income per year. Granted, it is just a rule of thumb, but anything too much in either direction makes purchasing the business a bargain or bad investment. So if you are netting around 40 grand a year, theen the price is about right Jonco.
LOL@ DJ. Just adopt him already, Jonco but don’t muzzle him. I’d miss my daily belly laughs if you made him live in the outside (dog) house.
I hope you get many bids Jonco but never sell, we’d be heartbroken.
One word:
^ One word:
(Bella – I was doing my Joe Biden imitation)
DJ, were you grinning that big ol sh*t eating grin?
Geez! Don’t forget the little people! 🙂
I just check woosk and its worth about $17K
Gary – Three words:
Every month, 500 million more Americans discover this website.
From 57, maybe 58 states!
No wonder Jonco’s so filthy stickin rich!
I knew him before he was rich and famous.
I hope Gene gets a cut.
and Infidel
(sorry DJ – I don’t listen to him. I didn’t know anybody did)
You guys keep buttering up Jonco like this and he might get uppity, charge us to come visit his site, aannddd, not take us all to Vegas again this year.
Aw gee. I missed the Vegas trip. The only one that I was invited to was when Jonco took us to take photos of the freaking snow drifts in Canada the other day.
Hang around Richard. One year he took us all to the movies and then we walked single file to the Zoo. It took us 3 frikken months to get the h*ll out of there. We’d still be in that d@mn chimp cage if it weren’t for Mike F. We didn’t know that you could climb up the sides and get away? Nope, never going back to the zoo with Jonco.
WIHIFTKoM? – Would Infidel Hit It For That Kind of Money?
lmao hit what?,Deborah I checked out your pic..pretty hot!,skip the profit sharing just send me one of those 1000 dollar an hour babes like the people in Government gets
OMFG! My blogspot is worth $5Mn. I’ll do nothing productive for the rest of my life.
I just checked mine and it’s worth:
I wish someone would hit me with an offer. 🙂
$111,111, EURO: $85,840
Mine is worth $20K , I am willing to give 50% discount .
Any one interested 🙂 hehehe
I feel left out ,Im one of the few people here without my own website
I’m the other one without, Infidel.
Sell out man,open a new shack. Call it tits and asses. You can give us a stimlus package.
Keep the Bits and sell the Pieces.
An alternative could be to sell and start a new one with the name you know you really want to use… That way you get to draw in billions of bacon lovers that don’t know about this site.
Something up with the values… it looks like if your blog is a “blogspot” address, you get around 5.28 million! Must be due to the blogger stats, not yours. My NEW blog, writecrastination, has blogspot in the address, but my main blog, which I’ve had for a year… I bought the domain, so it’s just, and it’s only worth $1000.
Anything to do with this?