Cop demands free donuts

Cop donutsA Brisbane Australia police officer got into a holey row with Krispy Kreme staff, demanding to be served free doughnuts.

Shocked customers looked on as the officer argued with staff for several minutes in a bid to get his freebies, before finally storming off – empty handed and non-cinnamon-fingered.

“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” a witness said. “He was quite rude, insisting his doughnuts should be free. He was so greedy for the doughnuts. I thought, ‘you swine, get your money out and pay for them like everyone else’.”

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Thanks The girl that was…

2 thoughts on “Cop demands free donuts”

  1. You could start a whole website listing things other people have watched cops do that we couldn’t get away with. Many, many of them truly believe they are above the law.

  2. Hehehe funny story…the only healthy thing about a doughnut is the hole…makes me wonder how they sell any at all.

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