26 thoughts on “Survivor”

  1. ^ he quickly adjusted that to 47 states, which is what most of us know he meant. At least you can’t misunderestimate Obama’s itelligence.

  2. P in B – I was responding to What the L’s uninformed (and misspelled) comment that Obama doesn’t put his foot in his mouth. You and I both know that he said a lot of goofy things during the campaign, and probably will in the future. There are whole pages on the web about him (and Bush) making stupid mistakes while speaking…I was making a point. To say O doesn’t or won’t make mistakes is just magical thinking.

  3. Bush’s IQ is higher than Obama-lama-ding-dong’s, contrary to what the Main strem dupes are trying to feed us. Just compare SAT’s to start with.
    Just remember that we will give Obama-bin-laden the same courtesy that you gave Bush.

  4. //Just remember that we will give Obama-bin-laden the same courtesy that you gave Bush.//

    Then I take it you do not agree with Rush Limbaugh?

    Someone who wants Obama to fail does not love his country, period.

  5. YEAH I survived and made a sh*t load of money,and I have it invested so that the messiah aka Hussien cant take it and “share the wealth”

  6. Obama has kept BOTH feet in his mouth for a long time.


    Unlawful combatant questioning

    “stimulus” package

    pro unborn murder

    cabinet appointees

    his senate replacement

    And to think it has only been 9 days. I am certain this list will grow and grow.

    Yep, a definite severe case of hoof and mouth!

    Guard SGT (ret)

  7. when Obama was elected, a bunch of hillbillies went and bought a bunch of weapons, armed themselves to the teeth, loaded their guns and sat in front of their homes waiting to defend their properties against the man who will come and take it all – I guess they still sitting there waiting, infidel….

  8. lets not start the attacks on each other Joe, remember Joncos post a few days back,and I didnt do any of that stupid sh*t I dont need a 1000 rounds of ammo to defend my home,real Conservatives have a brain,and if the first 700 billion didnt do a damn thing for the economy what do think the messiahs aka Hussiens 1 trillion will do,and the best part is you cant blame us Conservatives and Republicans for the biggest waste of money in the history of the world and the piece of sh*t is just getting started

  9. No attacks, just stating something that a happened a few months ago in relation to your statement.

    but your stand is clear, sit back and do nothing in hope magically our problems go away and in the process, criticize and oppose those who are trying to do something about it.

    We dont know if the efforts of the “piece of sh*t” will get us out of this situation or make things worst at this time….but since your kind made up your mind, why not offer solutions along with your criticisms and oppositions.

  10. Wow – such love and understanding for each others point of view. Such wonderful discourse and debate. Where is all the tolerance of opposing viewpoints?

    I can’t wait for the gloves to come off and the real mudslinging to start.

    The election is over and there is a new President. Like it or not, that is the way things are. Calling each other names and insulting each other is not helpful from either side.

    Why not try working together to get out of the mess we’re in? “If you unclench your fist, we’ll hold out a helping hand.” I see a lot of clenched fists on both sides at the moment and very few open hands.

    We can disagree on policy and direction without bringing personality into it can’t we?

    Note that I didn’t say which side of the political spectrum I lean toward. My concern right now is to see the U.S. prosper. Is that your’s as well?

  11. it was a fuc*ing attack if you called my name but I have respect to Jonco not to call you a name,what do you have to say about the “progess” that has been made so far with the 700 billion and now the 1 trillion, my solution is Bush tax cuts not spending on socialist programs that have failed every time in history but like every liberal you wont believe it until it happens,I can make it through this next four years of hell can you?

  12. Again, the only relation between you and the hillbillies ( I assumed this is the name you are referring to) is your unfounded fear that the kool-aid drinkers are going to take you property.

    I did not mean to call yo stupid. Anyone can see that your are not.

    But at least one of you admits that has been 8 years of hell.

    One group believes in spending to stimulate the economy- the other does not.

    Still, the question remain – what is the right course of action?

    Obviously, not doing anything is not going to work.

  13. Saying Bush kept us safe, is like saying the first ride on the Titanic was great, well except for that iceberg.

    Love the shirt, I’m waiting on the one with Bush in handcuffs being led off to the Hague.

    Hugs and kisses, Infidel

  14. I’m not going to get into a lengthy debate about the politics of Bush vs Obama, but I keep hearing that we’ve not been attacked since 911 thanks to Bush, but no one EVER mentions that the 911 attacks happened on his watch.

  15. Jason Hussein you crack me up… which is true about the bush vs titanic… I don’t think spending billions in Iraq has really helped the ecconemy any… I didn’t like clinton at first, but he proved to be better then poppa bush and ole gw too as far as that goes…

  16. Jonco do you remember what happened on 9/10???? or anyone as far as that goes??? probably not… news flash, Rumsfield some how cannot explain what happened to 3 trillion dollars of defence money… Hummm… funny how a day later 9/11 made that trillion that was miss placed not seem so important… I still want to know what happened there and all through the bush rain of power…

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