fisting definitely counts as “being physically bound” o_O
Maybe this is what he meant by change. “Eight years worth of straight laced sex is enough, we gonna show you how to REALLY spice things up.”
The wet cigar suddenly seems so 90s.
Clinton started a BJ revolution in the schools…
now Barry sets the new example of Hope for the kiddies.
WHAT IN THE F…..??!!!
Very sad.
lmao they played that on the radio today,it was just too funny,so they both do it…GROSS
nuttin like fisting the ol ball and chain
this deserves a few LOL’s
what’s wrong with a BJ or ball lick under the desk while you working?
everyone does it…
Their marriage seems to be based on give & take.
I had to investigate that. The “Love Doctor” needs to go back to love school and take fisting 101 because after watching the clip where that came from the host of the show, with a big grin said “We better show our audience what you meant by “fisting” and bumped knuckles with the “Love Doctor”
fisting definitely counts as “being physically bound” o_O
Maybe this is what he meant by change. “Eight years worth of straight laced sex is enough, we gonna show you how to REALLY spice things up.”
The wet cigar suddenly seems so 90s.
Clinton started a BJ revolution in the schools…
now Barry sets the new example of Hope for the kiddies.
WHAT IN THE F…..??!!!
Very sad.
lmao they played that on the radio today,it was just too funny,so they both do it…GROSS
nuttin like fisting the ol ball and chain
this deserves a few LOL’s
what’s wrong with a BJ or ball lick under the desk while you working?
everyone does it…
Their marriage seems to be based on give & take.
I had to investigate that. The “Love Doctor” needs to go back to love school and take fisting 101 because after watching the clip where that came from the host of the show, with a big grin said “We better show our audience what you meant by “fisting” and bumped knuckles with the “Love Doctor”
I’m waiting for the movie…lol…