23 thoughts on “Smiley at Wal-Mart”

  1. Ah, this takes me back to a trip to Germany about 25 years ago. The in style – common – for women was thin white slacks and colored panties. What a trip. . . I think I saw a castle or something, too.

  2. No. It just means I’m at a hotel in Iowa and getting ready to head home to my internetless house. I may try to find some free wireless near my house tonight, but I wouldn’t count on it.

  3. Lumps n bumps n all…an internetless house in freezing weather oh you poor thing ,i couldnt think of anything worse.

  4. You’ve probably never seen one like that at wal-mart because you saw her face first and decided to go the opposite way.

    So the yellow undies match the yellow dress. . .

  5. I agree with Ron…this can’t be at walmart. Just about any female over 20 at Wal-Mart seems to suffer from Wal-Ass.

    It does stump me though…the teenagers and college students there are frequently thin (and often extremely attractive), but after a certain age, it just seems to be the Wal-Ass-Waddle.

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