So if there no global warming, what is the harm in trying to wean ourselves off of oil, coal, and other finite resources? What is the harm in trying to use the energy of the wind and the sun to provide energy? Why do all the global warming nay sayers belittle the idea? Really, why?
Paul–It would be nice to find some renewable energy, but we need to find some viable ones. Solar panels will work well during the day, but what about at night? Use potentially harmful batteries to store the power for night use?
And windmills? Each windmill has a range of wind speeds it will work for–below that, they won’t move, and above that, they need to be shut down so they don’t get destroyed. And anytime a windmill is not working, you need a backup energy source–basically, you would have a power plant running but not sending any electricity out until it is needed.
And if we put windmills in the US where T. Boone Pickens wants to, we have to build roads out to where he wants the windmills (roads big enough to get the equipment and spare parts in and out), as well as buildings to house the workers (or some sort of RV park). A lot of destruction of wildlands for little payoff.
I like nuclear power. With the new designs, it is pretty safe (and most of the old ones are still running safely)–and the amount of waste produced in a year from a plant would barely fill that wastebasket next to your office desk.
Any alternative fuel source is to be fully examined to determine what if it is truly viable.
Your arguments are valid and I’m in agreement with you. I don’t know the answers, I guess my between the lines complaint is against the nay sayers who refuse to consider at all that this problem exists, and all they do is deride those they disagree with. This video is the perfect example of making fun of what could be a problem. OF COURSE they have snow, they live in effing Minnesota!
The argument can be made that global warming produces extremes in both hot and cold weather, not just the warming side of the equation. But the refuse-to-consider-everything-is-all-right-we-don’t-need-to-do-anything-keep-our-heads-in-the-sand-la-la-la-la-la-close minded people puzzle me.
P in B – I’m all for all those positive things you mention…but it’s going to take awhile to get them going. Of course, we’ve been talking about all this since the 70s. Windmills? Sure, but the environmentalists fight against them because the birdies are too stupid to avoid a huge tower with flashing strobe lights and a loud white 50′ spinning blade and get all sliced & diced in them. The elite along the coasts in California and New England (including the Kennedys) fought vehemently against them because they didn’t want the possibility of having to see them, even tho they’d be built so far out to sea you’d only see them from a boat. The constant wind off the coast is fine for the Kennedy and Kerry sailboats, but apparently not for the public’s windmills. I recently read a story about people living near some windmills who complain about the roaring of them. Solar would be nice, and I love seeing it on roadsigns, rest areas, schools, state park bldgs etc., but the cost is still too high, and they, like all the other ‘alternative’ energy sources, can only supply a fraction of what we need for homes, industry, retail, transport, etc. Even the electric cars, which are slowly coming along (Toyota is introducing one to the US this week) have to be plugged in to an electric outlet…if the global warming kooks are saying that using Google is now causing global warming, or cooking a steak on a grill on a summer night, what’s going to happen to our power grid when a few hundred thousand electric cars get plugged in every evening? They already have rolling brown-outs in California and the western states in summer, and have had for years. I, like Tim, like nuclear – but the costs are prohibitive, partly because even tho it’s the cleanest way to generate power, again the environmentalists have been fighting them and scaring the public for decades…a new one hasn’t been built in the US in over 30 years. Now no utility can afford to even get one licensed. My Mom lives 7 miles from a FP&L nuke plant, and I’ve taken the ‘tour’, and the water comes out of that plant cleaner than it went in. The manatees and dolphins and gators come from miles around to hang out there because of the clean water and abundance of food that thrives there. The nuke plant is a great ‘neighbor’…they maintain a wildlife refuge, fishing areas in the Indian River, public beaches along the ocean, and it’s extremely safe…even when it’s taken direct hits by ‘canes.
It’s when the charlatan Gore and his ilk use what appears now to be the ‘guess’ of Global Warming as the prod to get this stuff done. As that theory has been collapsing, and scientist have been jumping ship, as the greenies have insisted that the coldest winter on record in US, Canada, England, Europe is caused by global warming, they look sillier and sillier. Once NASA admitted to fudging temperature stats, and other scientists have admitted they forgot to figure the ocean currents into the calcs, it’s been found we’ve been cooling for a decade. Now some scientist are claiming we’re on the brink of a new ice age. WTF? Did Gore do that good of a job already? Come on…Here in the Great Lakes area, there are fossilized remains of tropical ferns and fish and insects embedded in the can see them…but do you know what formed the Great Lakes and the Finger Lakes and Niagara Falls etc? Glaciers. There are moraines in this area made up of rock from waaaay up near Hudson Bay. You can see it, too. All over the southern shore of Lake Erie roads running E/W are named ‘*something* Ridge Road’. Those ridges, some of them miles away from the shore, are the former shorelines of Lake Erie after the glaciers receded…they run hundreds of miles parallel to the Lake. Common sense tells you that there were no SUVs or Google or gas grills causing either the tropical weather or the glaciers. In England, there were times the Thames froze over, and other times England was known all over Europe for it’s vineyards.
I really truly think more people would get behind the alternative fuel movement if it didn’t keep making up theories…global cooling, then global warming, then man-made climate change, then new ice age…and just told it and sold it as a way to become independent from foreign sources. Make it patriotic. Make it economically feasible for private enterprise to want to do it…For The Country!…not for those dubious reasons.
Here’s the question that turned me away from the theory of Man Made Global Warming: What is the correct temperature of the Earth?
Just let me know that figure, and I’ll buy you a warm beer in an un-air-conditioned pub next time I’m in Florida, and we’ll sit and either watch the ocean rise or go ice skating on it.
Whoa…Did I do THAT^? Sorry.
One other thing…Those countries of the Middle East…Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc…were pretty much nothing before the industrial world needed their oil, mainly since WWII. Now look at the skylines of their cities. If and when we finally achieve energy independence, they will be nothing again. Right now, they have us all by the short hairs. Before and during the war, we needed rubber from Africa, but once we figured out how to make it synthetically, we didn’t need them anymore, and so where are Kenya, Congo, etc today?
The US and Canada have enuf oil to last us for a long long time, but for over a half century, even tho our cupboard is full, we’ve chosen to raid someone else’s.
If we can find a way to make the Middle East irrelevant again, and if that was made Reason #1 to get us off our arses on alternative energy, I think a lot more people would get inspired to do it. And as a side benefit, if we would start drilling here and now, PLUS go full bore on all forms of alternative energy, basic economics says the price of Mid East oil would start going down as well.
OK, I’m done.
Paul, i’m with you on the need for alternate energy, it’s insane to be almost totaly dependent on finite resources.
I just don’t believe the sky is falling despite what Gore and his Ilk say.
The Climate change we’re seeing would be occurring even if we weren’t here.
2008: The Year the “Consensus” Collapsed
Posted in Cause/Effect, Economics, Junk Science, Mythical Consensus on December 12th, 2008 by Dan McGrath
Perhaps the debate isn’t over, but the tables have turned. Truth is an indomitable force. Suppressing it requires constant effort, because it can’t be changed. What is is. People can be convinced of a lie for a short time, but in the end, the truth reveals itself. Truth is patient because it is eternal, unchanging and has no agenda. It can be covered up, but truth outlasts any contrivances devised to hide it. It’s indestructible.
Global Warming may go down as one of the greatest attempts to suppress the truth in known history, but even this colossal effort can’t outlast reality.
The latest testament in the bible of global warming alarmism is the IPCC Summary for Policy Makers published by the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change in 2007. 52 Scientists participated in the creation of this oft-referenced document. Some of those scientists now say the UN politicized the summary, in some cases it stated the exact opposite of what the researchers found.
UN-IPCC scientist, Dr. Kiminori Itoh said that warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history… When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.”
Nuclear physicist and chemical engineer Dr. Phillip Lloyd said,” The quantity of CO2 we produce is insignificant in terms of the natural circulation between air, water and soil… I am doing a detailed assessment of the UN IPCC reports and the Summaries for Policy Makers, identifying the way in which the Summaries have distorted the science.” Dr. Lloyd was a UN IPCC co-coordinating lead author.
Now, in a report put together by the US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, 650 noted scientists (12 times the number of scientists who authored the IPCC report) voiced their dissent over man-made global warming claims. Dr. Oliver K. Manuel of the University of Missouri-Rolla said, “Compared to solar magnetic fields, the carbon dioxide production has as much influence on climate as a flea has on the weight of an elephant.”
In the past year, a torrent of peer-reviewed studies and new data has challenged the IPCC claims that the “debate is over” and that there is a consensus on man-made global warming threats. The EPW report just released compiles much of this consensus-shattering information into one powerful 231-page document.
It’s not dead yet, but global warming alarmism looks to have reached a tipping point. The decline of this socialist-inspired ideology has begun.
The problem that I have with Owlgore is that he assumes that Man is responsible for all global warming. First off, the average world temperature has been dropping for over 10 years, cows fart enough methane to make a difference in the world’s air quality and nobody (including Owlgore), can tell us what temperature the earth should be. Don’t confuse air quality with air temperature.
“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.
“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical.” – Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”
Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.
“The IPCC has actually become a closed circuit; it doesn’t listen to others. It doesn’t have open minds… I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been given on scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists,” – Indian geologist Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia at Punjab University and a board member of the UN-supported International Year of the Planet.
“The models and forecasts of the UN IPCC “are incorrect because they only are based on mathematical models and presented results at scenarios that do not include, for example, solar activity.” – Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA.
“Even doubling or tripling the amount of carbon dioxide will virtually have little impact, as water vapour and water condensed on particles as clouds dominate the worldwide scene and always will.” – . Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Auckland, NZ.
“After reading [UN IPCC chairman] Pachauri’s asinine comment [comparing skeptics to] Flat Earthers, it’s hard to remain quiet.” – Climate statistician Dr. William M. Briggs, who specializes in the statistics of forecast evaluation, serves on the American Meteorological Society’s Probability and Statistics Committee and is an Associate Editor of Monthly Weather Review.
“For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?” – Geologist Dr. David Gee the chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress who has authored 130 plus peer reviewed papers, and is currently at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Read the rest at the United State Senate Committee on Environment
Which of us posting here are the dense ones? I hope I speak for all when I ask for you, kind reader, to please educate us about the subject in the manner you see fit.
DJ – I would argue that since petroleum is a global commodity, we will always be tied to the international price of oil unless we figure out how to stop using oil (so what we pay will still be influenced by the Mid-East and other oil-producing areas). And with everything that uses oil (gas, diesel, polyester, plastics, etc.), I doubt we will ever become oil-free.
Reader – That’s what we’ve been doing…c’mon…it’s been several years since Gore’s movie…time for you to catch up with the most recent news…and reality…you’re getting left behind…
And Tim, I agree 100%…we will always need a certain amount of oil…that’s why we need to tap our own reserves here in US/Canada/Alaska & off-shore…HUGE new reserves just discovered in N.Dakota in ’08. If we can reduce our usage, use our own oil for our much-lowered needs, get going on all forms of alternative energies to make that happen, we can make ourselves less tied to the global commodity market. Let’s let China and Russia and the rest deal with the Arabs; we shouldn’t have to.
Paul – BTW, I do buy energy efficient appliances, fluorescent bulbs, keep my house heat at 64°F in winter, and limit my usage of all my utilities…but not because I think I can save the planet…I do it to save money and that makes sense. In the last year I’ve cut my electric bill in half, and lowered my gas and water bills almost 1/3. (Oddly enough, the water utility around here, which has for years been begging us to use less water by promoting low-flow toilets, faucets, showers etc, and has discouraged watering lawns, has announced that because of the large drop in water usage, they are going to greatly increase our rates to cover the lost revenue. Wait…if they’re supplying less water… WTF?) That makes people wonder if it’s all worth it, knowwhatImean?
Reader my friend, reread the posts….I didn’t post propaganda, rather direct quotes from world renowned scientists….Nobel prize winners even…. some even part of the UN international panel on climate change, some of those rebuked the UN for deciding the political position they wanted to take and manipulating the facts to fit the preconceived position…. Reader, if you have facts to present, scientists to quote, trot them out.
I think all of us here have said we are willing to change our lifestyle…and are already doing it…but some of us aren’t doing it for silly made-up reasons (in 5 minutes of searching, I find articles that say we’re in global warming, global cooling, brink of new ice age, and one that says global warming is helping to avert an ice age. And it has changed each decade )…We’re doing it because it makes economic sense, for both the individual consumer and for the country in the long term. I’m right there with Paul & Tim & Gary…100% in favor of alternative sources and breaking dependence on Mideast oil.
BTW…Why do you call yourself Reader if you won’t read?
DJ – while I can agree with you that we should explore more domestic sources of oil, I still don’t think we can get away from the affects of Mideast oil. For instance, let’s say we get to the point of only using domestic oil–now, if the domestic market is paying $50 per barrel and the international market is paying $75 per barrel, would we force the US oil companies to only sell domestically? As a fan of the free market, I would hope not; thus, we would be paying the $75 price even if none of the oil we buy is from the Mideast. So we would be affected by their oil through the international price. This maybe a small point, but one I think people need to understand.
Reader – I agree with the others; please provide links and/or quotes from reputable people that this global warming thing is real.
dj i keep my house at an even 75 but i use a renewable resource like dead trees pulled out of the forest that removes fule for forist fires and my stove has an after burner to make it about 85% eficiant.
I will not waste my time, reading anything that Reader posts. It (Reader) is always derogatory, demeaning to all nationalities, and just plain ignorant. I suppose we are all dense to a certain extent, but You Sir, are an Asshole.
Reader is a liberal dumbfuc*er, he comes here just to bitch and whine,and to blame a. the Republicans,b.President Bush,c. the Conservatives (take your pick) for every problem since the world started,do us all a favor and stay over at the daily kos
I’m not going to be the one wasting time to give you links or whatever. You’ll see, eventually, maybe in a few years, who is right or wrong. Heck, maybe I am wrong, and all the scientists that have studied weather patterns and CO2 levels for years are wrong. But we’ll see.
By the way, I don’t even know what the Daily Kos is. I guess it’s some kind of liberal opinion site.
I’ve learned a lot from visiting this site and appreciate when people explain culture differences, etc. to me. Post your links, Reader and explain yourself instead of taking an arrogant stance and belittling everyone because of your difference of opinion. We are not an uneducated lot as you could probably see by all the comments in this post alone. Your constant negativity towards others raises the hair on my neck and your social skills suck. Don’t be defensive, just explain yourself.
LMAO….suck on that Al Gore
Bella would be wearing a bikini all year up there!
So if there no global warming, what is the harm in trying to wean ourselves off of oil, coal, and other finite resources? What is the harm in trying to use the energy of the wind and the sun to provide energy? Why do all the global warming nay sayers belittle the idea? Really, why?
Paul–It would be nice to find some renewable energy, but we need to find some viable ones. Solar panels will work well during the day, but what about at night? Use potentially harmful batteries to store the power for night use?
And windmills? Each windmill has a range of wind speeds it will work for–below that, they won’t move, and above that, they need to be shut down so they don’t get destroyed. And anytime a windmill is not working, you need a backup energy source–basically, you would have a power plant running but not sending any electricity out until it is needed.
And if we put windmills in the US where T. Boone Pickens wants to, we have to build roads out to where he wants the windmills (roads big enough to get the equipment and spare parts in and out), as well as buildings to house the workers (or some sort of RV park). A lot of destruction of wildlands for little payoff.
I like nuclear power. With the new designs, it is pretty safe (and most of the old ones are still running safely)–and the amount of waste produced in a year from a plant would barely fill that wastebasket next to your office desk.
Any alternative fuel source is to be fully examined to determine what if it is truly viable.
Your arguments are valid and I’m in agreement with you. I don’t know the answers, I guess my between the lines complaint is against the nay sayers who refuse to consider at all that this problem exists, and all they do is deride those they disagree with. This video is the perfect example of making fun of what could be a problem. OF COURSE they have snow, they live in effing Minnesota!
The argument can be made that global warming produces extremes in both hot and cold weather, not just the warming side of the equation. But the refuse-to-consider-everything-is-all-right-we-don’t-need-to-do-anything-keep-our-heads-in-the-sand-la-la-la-la-la-close minded people puzzle me.
Still, good stuff:) Now it has been freezing here for the last few weeks, I could use some global warming also:-p
P in B – I’m all for all those positive things you mention…but it’s going to take awhile to get them going. Of course, we’ve been talking about all this since the 70s. Windmills? Sure, but the environmentalists fight against them because the birdies are too stupid to avoid a huge tower with flashing strobe lights and a loud white 50′ spinning blade and get all sliced & diced in them. The elite along the coasts in California and New England (including the Kennedys) fought vehemently against them because they didn’t want the possibility of having to see them, even tho they’d be built so far out to sea you’d only see them from a boat. The constant wind off the coast is fine for the Kennedy and Kerry sailboats, but apparently not for the public’s windmills. I recently read a story about people living near some windmills who complain about the roaring of them. Solar would be nice, and I love seeing it on roadsigns, rest areas, schools, state park bldgs etc., but the cost is still too high, and they, like all the other ‘alternative’ energy sources, can only supply a fraction of what we need for homes, industry, retail, transport, etc. Even the electric cars, which are slowly coming along (Toyota is introducing one to the US this week) have to be plugged in to an electric outlet…if the global warming kooks are saying that using Google is now causing global warming, or cooking a steak on a grill on a summer night, what’s going to happen to our power grid when a few hundred thousand electric cars get plugged in every evening? They already have rolling brown-outs in California and the western states in summer, and have had for years. I, like Tim, like nuclear – but the costs are prohibitive, partly because even tho it’s the cleanest way to generate power, again the environmentalists have been fighting them and scaring the public for decades…a new one hasn’t been built in the US in over 30 years. Now no utility can afford to even get one licensed. My Mom lives 7 miles from a FP&L nuke plant, and I’ve taken the ‘tour’, and the water comes out of that plant cleaner than it went in. The manatees and dolphins and gators come from miles around to hang out there because of the clean water and abundance of food that thrives there. The nuke plant is a great ‘neighbor’…they maintain a wildlife refuge, fishing areas in the Indian River, public beaches along the ocean, and it’s extremely safe…even when it’s taken direct hits by ‘canes.
It’s when the charlatan Gore and his ilk use what appears now to be the ‘guess’ of Global Warming as the prod to get this stuff done. As that theory has been collapsing, and scientist have been jumping ship, as the greenies have insisted that the coldest winter on record in US, Canada, England, Europe is caused by global warming, they look sillier and sillier. Once NASA admitted to fudging temperature stats, and other scientists have admitted they forgot to figure the ocean currents into the calcs, it’s been found we’ve been cooling for a decade. Now some scientist are claiming we’re on the brink of a new ice age. WTF? Did Gore do that good of a job already? Come on…Here in the Great Lakes area, there are fossilized remains of tropical ferns and fish and insects embedded in the can see them…but do you know what formed the Great Lakes and the Finger Lakes and Niagara Falls etc? Glaciers. There are moraines in this area made up of rock from waaaay up near Hudson Bay. You can see it, too. All over the southern shore of Lake Erie roads running E/W are named ‘*something* Ridge Road’. Those ridges, some of them miles away from the shore, are the former shorelines of Lake Erie after the glaciers receded…they run hundreds of miles parallel to the Lake. Common sense tells you that there were no SUVs or Google or gas grills causing either the tropical weather or the glaciers. In England, there were times the Thames froze over, and other times England was known all over Europe for it’s vineyards.
I really truly think more people would get behind the alternative fuel movement if it didn’t keep making up theories…global cooling, then global warming, then man-made climate change, then new ice age…and just told it and sold it as a way to become independent from foreign sources. Make it patriotic. Make it economically feasible for private enterprise to want to do it…For The Country!…not for those dubious reasons.
Here’s the question that turned me away from the theory of Man Made Global Warming: What is the correct temperature of the Earth?
Just let me know that figure, and I’ll buy you a warm beer in an un-air-conditioned pub next time I’m in Florida, and we’ll sit and either watch the ocean rise or go ice skating on it.
Whoa…Did I do THAT^? Sorry.
One other thing…Those countries of the Middle East…Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc…were pretty much nothing before the industrial world needed their oil, mainly since WWII. Now look at the skylines of their cities. If and when we finally achieve energy independence, they will be nothing again. Right now, they have us all by the short hairs. Before and during the war, we needed rubber from Africa, but once we figured out how to make it synthetically, we didn’t need them anymore, and so where are Kenya, Congo, etc today?
The US and Canada have enuf oil to last us for a long long time, but for over a half century, even tho our cupboard is full, we’ve chosen to raid someone else’s.
If we can find a way to make the Middle East irrelevant again, and if that was made Reason #1 to get us off our arses on alternative energy, I think a lot more people would get inspired to do it. And as a side benefit, if we would start drilling here and now, PLUS go full bore on all forms of alternative energy, basic economics says the price of Mid East oil would start going down as well.
OK, I’m done.
DJ, you said it well, very well put
Paul, i’m with you on the need for alternate energy, it’s insane to be almost totaly dependent on finite resources.
I just don’t believe the sky is falling despite what Gore and his Ilk say.
The Climate change we’re seeing would be occurring even if we weren’t here.
DAYUM DJ that was really good you got everything right,excellent job
It’s incredible how you people can be so dense.
Educate yourselves.
Reader, read this
2008: The Year the “Consensus” Collapsed
Posted in Cause/Effect, Economics, Junk Science, Mythical Consensus on December 12th, 2008 by Dan McGrath
Perhaps the debate isn’t over, but the tables have turned. Truth is an indomitable force. Suppressing it requires constant effort, because it can’t be changed. What is is. People can be convinced of a lie for a short time, but in the end, the truth reveals itself. Truth is patient because it is eternal, unchanging and has no agenda. It can be covered up, but truth outlasts any contrivances devised to hide it. It’s indestructible.
Global Warming may go down as one of the greatest attempts to suppress the truth in known history, but even this colossal effort can’t outlast reality.
The latest testament in the bible of global warming alarmism is the IPCC Summary for Policy Makers published by the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change in 2007. 52 Scientists participated in the creation of this oft-referenced document. Some of those scientists now say the UN politicized the summary, in some cases it stated the exact opposite of what the researchers found.
UN-IPCC scientist, Dr. Kiminori Itoh said that warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history… When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.”
Nuclear physicist and chemical engineer Dr. Phillip Lloyd said,” The quantity of CO2 we produce is insignificant in terms of the natural circulation between air, water and soil… I am doing a detailed assessment of the UN IPCC reports and the Summaries for Policy Makers, identifying the way in which the Summaries have distorted the science.” Dr. Lloyd was a UN IPCC co-coordinating lead author.
Now, in a report put together by the US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, 650 noted scientists (12 times the number of scientists who authored the IPCC report) voiced their dissent over man-made global warming claims. Dr. Oliver K. Manuel of the University of Missouri-Rolla said, “Compared to solar magnetic fields, the carbon dioxide production has as much influence on climate as a flea has on the weight of an elephant.”
In the past year, a torrent of peer-reviewed studies and new data has challenged the IPCC claims that the “debate is over” and that there is a consensus on man-made global warming threats. The EPW report just released compiles much of this consensus-shattering information into one powerful 231-page document.
It’s not dead yet, but global warming alarmism looks to have reached a tipping point. The decline of this socialist-inspired ideology has begun.
The problem that I have with Owlgore is that he assumes that Man is responsible for all global warming. First off, the average world temperature has been dropping for over 10 years, cows fart enough methane to make a difference in the world’s air quality and nobody (including Owlgore), can tell us what temperature the earth should be. Don’t confuse air quality with air temperature.
A little more education
“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.
“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical.” – Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”
Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.
“The IPCC has actually become a closed circuit; it doesn’t listen to others. It doesn’t have open minds… I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been given on scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists,” – Indian geologist Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia at Punjab University and a board member of the UN-supported International Year of the Planet.
“The models and forecasts of the UN IPCC “are incorrect because they only are based on mathematical models and presented results at scenarios that do not include, for example, solar activity.” – Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA.
“Even doubling or tripling the amount of carbon dioxide will virtually have little impact, as water vapour and water condensed on particles as clouds dominate the worldwide scene and always will.” – . Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Auckland, NZ.
“After reading [UN IPCC chairman] Pachauri’s asinine comment [comparing skeptics to] Flat Earthers, it’s hard to remain quiet.” – Climate statistician Dr. William M. Briggs, who specializes in the statistics of forecast evaluation, serves on the American Meteorological Society’s Probability and Statistics Committee and is an Associate Editor of Monthly Weather Review.
“For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?” – Geologist Dr. David Gee the chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress who has authored 130 plus peer reviewed papers, and is currently at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Read the rest at the United State Senate Committee on Environment
Which of us posting here are the dense ones? I hope I speak for all when I ask for you, kind reader, to please educate us about the subject in the manner you see fit.
DJ – I would argue that since petroleum is a global commodity, we will always be tied to the international price of oil unless we figure out how to stop using oil (so what we pay will still be influenced by the Mid-East and other oil-producing areas). And with everything that uses oil (gas, diesel, polyester, plastics, etc.), I doubt we will ever become oil-free.
Relax, it’s just silly video.
Reader – That’s what we’ve been doing…c’mon…it’s been several years since Gore’s movie…time for you to catch up with the most recent news…and reality…you’re getting left behind…
And Tim, I agree 100%…we will always need a certain amount of oil…that’s why we need to tap our own reserves here in US/Canada/Alaska & off-shore…HUGE new reserves just discovered in N.Dakota in ’08. If we can reduce our usage, use our own oil for our much-lowered needs, get going on all forms of alternative energies to make that happen, we can make ourselves less tied to the global commodity market. Let’s let China and Russia and the rest deal with the Arabs; we shouldn’t have to.
Paul – BTW, I do buy energy efficient appliances, fluorescent bulbs, keep my house heat at 64°F in winter, and limit my usage of all my utilities…but not because I think I can save the planet…I do it to save money and that makes sense. In the last year I’ve cut my electric bill in half, and lowered my gas and water bills almost 1/3. (Oddly enough, the water utility around here, which has for years been begging us to use less water by promoting low-flow toilets, faucets, showers etc, and has discouraged watering lawns, has announced that because of the large drop in water usage, they are going to greatly increase our rates to cover the lost revenue. Wait…if they’re supplying less water… WTF?) That makes people wonder if it’s all worth it, knowwhatImean?
I will not waste time reading what you all posted, Gary, DJ, etc. Just reading some paragraphs is enough to see what kind of propaganda you read.
I did not see Al Gore’s movie. The concept of global warming is much older than that.
Let’s ignore all the scientific research and all the news reports which confirm the researchers’ predictions. The question I want to ask you is:
Why are you so afraid of change? Is changing your lifestyle such a menace to your “Americanhood”?
I’m clueless about you people.
Reader my friend, reread the posts….I didn’t post propaganda, rather direct quotes from world renowned scientists….Nobel prize winners even…. some even part of the UN international panel on climate change, some of those rebuked the UN for deciding the political position they wanted to take and manipulating the facts to fit the preconceived position…. Reader, if you have facts to present, scientists to quote, trot them out.
Reader – Wow! – You’re exactly right…you are clueless, aren’t you?
I think all of us here have said we are willing to change our lifestyle…and are already doing it…but some of us aren’t doing it for silly made-up reasons (in 5 minutes of searching, I find articles that say we’re in global warming, global cooling, brink of new ice age, and one that says global warming is helping to avert an ice age. And it has changed each decade )…We’re doing it because it makes economic sense, for both the individual consumer and for the country in the long term. I’m right there with Paul & Tim & Gary…100% in favor of alternative sources and breaking dependence on Mideast oil.
BTW…Why do you call yourself Reader if you won’t read?
DJ – while I can agree with you that we should explore more domestic sources of oil, I still don’t think we can get away from the affects of Mideast oil. For instance, let’s say we get to the point of only using domestic oil–now, if the domestic market is paying $50 per barrel and the international market is paying $75 per barrel, would we force the US oil companies to only sell domestically? As a fan of the free market, I would hope not; thus, we would be paying the $75 price even if none of the oil we buy is from the Mideast. So we would be affected by their oil through the international price. This maybe a small point, but one I think people need to understand.
Reader – I agree with the others; please provide links and/or quotes from reputable people that this global warming thing is real.
Tim…yeah…I can see your point…hopefully we would need way less, but yeah I see…
dj i keep my house at an even 75 but i use a renewable resource like dead trees pulled out of the forest that removes fule for forist fires and my stove has an after burner to make it about 85% eficiant.
this also cuts my electric bill by 2/3
I will not waste my time, reading anything that Reader posts. It (Reader) is always derogatory, demeaning to all nationalities, and just plain ignorant. I suppose we are all dense to a certain extent, but You Sir, are an Asshole.
YEAY! WTG Bella!
Reader is a liberal dumbfuc*er, he comes here just to bitch and whine,and to blame a. the Republicans,b.President Bush,c. the Conservatives (take your pick) for every problem since the world started,do us all a favor and stay over at the daily kos
And the winner is…..Bella!
Oh well…
I’m not going to be the one wasting time to give you links or whatever. You’ll see, eventually, maybe in a few years, who is right or wrong. Heck, maybe I am wrong, and all the scientists that have studied weather patterns and CO2 levels for years are wrong. But we’ll see.
By the way, I don’t even know what the Daily Kos is. I guess it’s some kind of liberal opinion site.
I’ve learned a lot from visiting this site and appreciate when people explain culture differences, etc. to me. Post your links, Reader and explain yourself instead of taking an arrogant stance and belittling everyone because of your difference of opinion. We are not an uneducated lot as you could probably see by all the comments in this post alone. Your constant negativity towards others raises the hair on my neck and your social skills suck. Don’t be defensive, just explain yourself.