Death row inmate rips his eye out (again) and eats it

Inmate ThomasHe had earlier pulled out other eye after conviction in family’s killings

HOUSTON – A Texas death row inmate with a history of mental problems pulled out his only good eye and told authorities he ate it.

Andre Thomas, 25, was arrested for the fatal stabbings of his estranged wife, their young son and her 13-month-old daughter in March 2004. Their hearts also had been ripped out. He was convicted and condemned for the infant’s death.

While in the Grayson County Jail in Sherman, Thomas plucked out his right eye before his trial later in 2004. A judge subsequently ruled he was competent to stand trial.

Read more about this “competent” lunatic.

Thanks Mike F

20 thoughts on “Death row inmate rips his eye out (again) and eats it”

  1. How the hell can they declare him “competent” to be judged and then condemned to death? He’s clearly sick. He can’t be punished in this way for his actions.

    Holly shit!

  2. Diego,

    Obviously a man might fake being insane by butchering his family. Then, if he really wanted to make it look good he would eat one of his own eyes.

    I’m fairly certain that people faking insanity do this sort of thing all the time.

    You should see what gets done by those who are truly crazy.

  3. Mike F. This was his second eye to pull out. That pushes the scale on the full insane side DON’T YA THINK?

  4. I don’t know. I’m a little bit ashamed of myself for saying this, and I know we all have our rights, and the Constitution, and due process, and innocent until proven guilty, but reading the last three paragraphs on the linked article, sometimes I wonder if it might not be better for everyone involved if sometimes it wouldn’t be a bad thing if the first cop on the scene had just ended it for this animal. He went to the cop shop and admitted the crime (that was probably recorded), told how he did it, and the evidence was all there where he said it was. He committed the original horror in March 2004. Almost 5 years ago. Who’s interests are being served by keeping this thing alive all this time? I have a copy of the Constitution in front of me, but damn it, the Constitution was written for people…not animals.

  5. dj we had a commentator in Alaska that said you could eliminate all crime with super glue. all you needed to do is super glue the weapon used in a crime to the person doing the crime and then throw the weapon off the tallest building in town. sounded like a good idea to me.

  6. Well, if he’s going to do it this way, if Texas waits long enough, eventually there’ll be nothing left except a few crumbs and a belch.

  7. I say bon appetit to this creep.

    The only question I have is “what will request for his final meal before being put down?”

  8. Some people are so demented and they can’t help it plus maybe they don’t even know it. They are beyond help. Uncle Clem and Aunt Mabel behind the shed, add a little moonshine, inhale some paint thinner, and a wack of crack. Voila!! As stated, An Animal like this, That Should Be Put Out Of His Misery. What he did to his family, in my mind, is incomprehensible.

  9. He needs to pull his ears off and super glue his mouth shut, end of story. They should put a bigass steak in front of him to smell as a last meal, if he still has a nose. I heard he ate his penis, and his toes were making his mouth water, dunno.

  10. Forget whether he deserved the death penalty or not due to his competency. Obviously he’s very sick one way or another. I’m not usually for the death penalty but in this case, he needs to be put down just out of sheer mercy much like putting down an injured animal.

  11. “I see,” he said, as he pissed into the wind. “It’s all coming back to me now.”

    “I see,” he said, as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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