85 thoughts on “Sometimes when I’m sad…”

  1. I laughed so hard!

    I think it’s great that there’s basically two groups of people commenting: the ones making fun of the girl, and the ones who pretend they know her f’ing life story.

    I say, maybe she’s not some little girl. I mean, don’t you have to be a certain age to get piercings without your parents signing for you? Following that thought, do you think her parents would have let her pierce her lip 4 times were she 13?

    One of the most important rules of the internet is: If you post it online, it is not private.

    Therefore, people will take it, people will photoshop it, people will add hilarious captions, and people will make fun of you.

  2. i agree with andy totally. my post was only in response to the people bashing the culture. i laughed my ass off when i saw it. i sport my piercings and tattoos proudly, but that doesnt mean that emo memes arent gonna be funny. i just wish people could figure out that gothic and emo are different. gothic is closer to things like heavy metal and industrial culture whereas emo is a bastardization of the punk culture of the eighties where instead of fighting tyranny and promoting freedom they pity themselves.

  3. Seriously stop assuming goths are sad and ugly. I’m goth and I’m not sad, and not to sound conceded, but I’m really attractive. Honestly I don’t care what you say about this girl, but stop grouping us all together.

  4. Alright, you people defending her for the way she looks is quite ridiculous, in my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and individuals who dress and accessorize like this just want attention for whatever reason, and they typically do not tend to care if it is negative or positive. In a society that is not accepting of difference, it is totally expected for people to make fun, point and laugh at this girl. Yes, I laughed. I laughed very hard, actually. I found it to be amusing. That is simply my opinion, as well as many others who have commented on this picture. Do I feel bad for this child? Of course I do…I am not some heartless bitch, however, what do you people expect? I hope if she has problems she can get help but until then…if she is willing to post pictures of herself on the internet with her hair and makeup like this, it entitles everyone to make an opinion and express it if they so please to do so. >.<

  5. This thing is like 8-10 look at its baby dog face. This is a product of a much larger version of the same thing. Mommas gotta be 6’5″ 350.

  6. No mames, pinche vieja como se atreve a poner esa foto en internet!! es mas fea que pegarle a dios

    Fu**ing b**ch, how does she dare to put her picture on internet!!! shes uglier than hitting god

  7. angela-you’re statement just speaks badly about goth/emo/whatever you call yourself, if you admit to cutting yourself on the internet, you either 1. are an attention whore or 2. know you have a problem and can’t deal with it (if this is the case, call a hotline or talk to a close friend, the internet is not a place for secrets) or 3. are a lying sack of s**t
    i’m most inclined to lean toward options 1 or 3, so shut your mouth and go express yourself elsewhere

  8. It’s funny how people are saying their kids won’t dress like this. My kids ( good kids, no problems at all) went through many different phases including a little emo look…my son wore black fingernail polish and eyeliner! They both turned out great and normal, good and sane. It’s just a look, like those darn bell bottoms,long hair and hippie clothes were when I was young. Funny how things change yet stay the same.

  9. Leave the poor girl alone, she does have pretty eyes and i love her make up and peircings. ^_^
    But this is HILarious!

  10. Most of you people are heartless assholes. People like you make the mold for such a young girl to fall into. If people exorcised more compassion their bloated prototype fears of who they really are wouldn’t be projected on to others.

  11. FYI, andy, a lot of underage kids can EASILY pierce themselves or have friends pierce them… my mother did that with her ears and I know numerous people who pierced their own ears, navels, noses, tongues, and even necks! Yes, I said NECKS! Right in front of the Adam’s apple! Ouch! And they were all young enough to not be permitted to do so by their parents, much less by a shop. Add to that the fact that nowadays you can buy body jewelry almost anywhere (i.e. Hot Topic, Claire’s, any drugstore…) It’s obviously much simpler than you realize.
    On a side note, I also cannot believe how you all (except the descent few) are responding! The mask of the internet skews the point of view considerably! You people are heartless! I for one, am ashamed by your actions as adults.

    We can (pretend to) accept everyone, as long as they are NATURALLY different from straight, America-lovin’ white people! But if they CHOOSE to be different, we need SOMEONE to make fun of, RIGHT?!?

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m straight, and I love me some America, but it’s really getting more and more pathetic the more times I read threads like this one, and I wish the human race was more accepting. Of EVERYONE.

  12. WoW! What a perfect example of people that should be put down at birth, and i dont mean the girl in the picture.

    P.S. exept for the few on here that actually have a few brain cells to rub together

  13. So, i saw this picture, and I thought to myself, “Wow, she’s…different. But who cares, it’s the caption that counts!” And then i started laughing because its cheesecake, and she’s chubby! I don’t understand how someone doesn’t understand the humor there!

    Moving on, I was reading the posts destroying her and her look. I laughed, because of the hilarious truth they revealed.

    I read the posts about how we should respect her for being able to express herself, because we have the right to express ourselves as humans. SCREW THAT! Humans don’t have any innate rights! Are you people serious?! We are a product of evolution, and just because we have superior brain matter than other living organisms on earth, that doesn’t mean we get all these special inalienable rights! All that is just crap. Hell, we do what we do, not because we have a right to, or because we choose to, but because that’s the way shit happens! Predestination, or free choice, whatever you feel like believing, it doesn’t matter!

    And I must comment on the horrible spelling of the people who are standing up for her. It makes itself apparent that you have received little education, and thus explains your unwarranted belief in her.

  14. What’s funny is just how much effort it takes someone to contradict him/herself. There is a big difference between finding something humorous and if necessary to make a comment on the subject and being just plain rude. Manners don’t cost anything. You don’t need an education to know that. Especially not if having an education makes you a pretentious (see definition), snobbishly conceited arse. I suppose you’re just predestined to be that way as you so informatively put it.

  15. Hahahaha so funny. And you’d think I’d be offended being a chubster myself. This is too funny 😀

  16. im a emo, im hip, i listen to/ heard of the cure and im old enough to be trusted to cut my own cheesecake and im also a dick

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