Amazing police dog

Amazing police dog

Notice the suspect behind the car, apparently firing a gun – you see the smoke from the muzzle, and a split second later – the Shepherd Police Dog leaps across the roof of the auto, clamps onto the suspect, and brings him down so quickly – you’ll watch it several times to really appreciate the valor of this dog.

This police dog is so fast, you have to watch this a few times to appreciate it.  Go dog, go!!

Thanks Gene

20 thoughts on “Amazing police dog”

  1. Looks like a training video. The shooter looks like he has some kind of gear on his upper body. Fast dog though.

  2. i agree with Golf the cops wouldn’t clear cover that quick if it was real.

    that said give that dog a bone and i hope to never meet it in a dark ally.

  3. It’s training. The suspect is wearing a “bite suit” on his upper torso. When the dog comes over the car the guy “gives” the dog his forearm and moves backwards to help the dog avoid breaking teeth by suddenly stopping.

  4. An average dog, can run 25 miles an hour. An above average human can run ten miles an hour.

    Unless you’re really really good with a handgun you might want to just down and be verrrry still. And if you are good with a gun, you might want to consider the products of your actions once you open up on a dog whose friends are all armed.

    I’ve watched police dogs train and I can tell you that there is no one I know going to survive one of those mutts being launched at them.

  5. I’m just glad the comments aren’t filled with a bunch of “how dare they put that dog into such a dangerous situation” rants from the PETA crowd…

  6. With criminals as bad as they are and our police under paid and out numbered they can use all the help they can get! More cops get shot than dogs.

  7. I’ve spent 20+ yrs. training Malinois. Training video or not, ONE bad-ass Mal…. They are totally committed biting machines. Trust me, this is not to be confussed with a german shepard…..Their Shelf life is about 6+- years………….gotta get one…better than a gun……..

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