When I was 16 I took a job as a pizza delivery guy. The first pizza I delivered I tucked under my armpit like a school book. I didn’t think about what had happened to that pizza until after I left, but I never did it again.
When I was 16 I took a job as a pizza delivery guy. The first pizza I delivered I tucked under my armpit like a school book. I didn’t think about what had happened to that pizza until after I left. I got smarter after that.
When I was 16 I took a job as a pizza delivery guy. The first pizza I delivered I tucked under my armpit like a school book. I didn’t think about what had happened to that pizza until after I left, but I never did it again.
When I was 16 I took a job as a pizza delivery guy. The first pizza I delivered I tucked under my armpit like a school book. I didn’t think about what had happened to that pizza until after I left. I got smarter after that.
Too funny Grog.
Too funny Grog. 🙂
is there an echo in here?
echo in here…