Guard, I certainly hope you’re not dis-crediting this war fighter just cause he has inferior weapons.
No amount of technology will ever overcome a war fighter determined to kill. He may have a life jacket on with garden gloves, but it’s people like him that will overtake an airplane and run it into a building. Apache helicopter or not, he wins.
While “they” can be creative in ways to kill, the motivation to kill isn’t always enough. We do have technology that allows us to see these people and attack them before they even realize they are in the cross hairs.
Today, it isn’t the war fighter’s moral that will win or loose a war, it is the people’s moral in continuing the fight. I saw that in Vietnam. Twice we had North Vietnam all but defeated. And twice we let them back into the war.
We seem to still have that will with Afghanistan. The question still is on the table on whether we will continue the fight or not 2+ years from now.
The will in Iraq, where I have been, is in question. The surge has worked far better than 2 years ago anyone could have thought. Yet if we leave too soon, we could yet snatch defeat from the jaws of victory just like Vietnam.
The Islamic fighters are very determined. They still believe it is their blood right to rule the world. We faced this before in WWII and the Cold War and won. But evil people still thing that they can defeat all and force their will on all. They believe they can out last us like in Vietnam.
We have to take a lesson from the British in fighting the IRA in Northern Ireland. This is a fight that can go on a long time. The fighting will shift from place to place. We still have to be willing to take the fight to them and not wait for them here.
One of my adages of war is that we never want to be the home team in the fight.
Guard SGT, Your last sentence only, In MY Opinion, is dead on. If we don’t fight them on their ground, then they will fight us on ours. We’ve seen it and don’t want it repeated. God Bless Our Troops.
Guard, I fail to see where we disagree. My word is only to caution those of us who look upon the enemy and fail to see the threat because they have inferior weapons and body armor.
The minute we underestimate the enemy is the minute we have another 9/11.
Of course you can. This dude is a bad ass mo fo!
I wonder how bad this sucker would look in the gun sites of an Apache Gunship?
As a war fighter, this dude ain’t dressed to kill, only be killed!
I’d like to meet the salesman that sold this dude the life jacket as a bullet proof vest!
Guard SGT
Guard, I certainly hope you’re not dis-crediting this war fighter just cause he has inferior weapons.
No amount of technology will ever overcome a war fighter determined to kill. He may have a life jacket on with garden gloves, but it’s people like him that will overtake an airplane and run it into a building. Apache helicopter or not, he wins.
I have to disagree with you, Sander.
While “they” can be creative in ways to kill, the motivation to kill isn’t always enough. We do have technology that allows us to see these people and attack them before they even realize they are in the cross hairs.
Today, it isn’t the war fighter’s moral that will win or loose a war, it is the people’s moral in continuing the fight. I saw that in Vietnam. Twice we had North Vietnam all but defeated. And twice we let them back into the war.
We seem to still have that will with Afghanistan. The question still is on the table on whether we will continue the fight or not 2+ years from now.
The will in Iraq, where I have been, is in question. The surge has worked far better than 2 years ago anyone could have thought. Yet if we leave too soon, we could yet snatch defeat from the jaws of victory just like Vietnam.
The Islamic fighters are very determined. They still believe it is their blood right to rule the world. We faced this before in WWII and the Cold War and won. But evil people still thing that they can defeat all and force their will on all. They believe they can out last us like in Vietnam.
We have to take a lesson from the British in fighting the IRA in Northern Ireland. This is a fight that can go on a long time. The fighting will shift from place to place. We still have to be willing to take the fight to them and not wait for them here.
One of my adages of war is that we never want to be the home team in the fight.
Guard SGT
Guard SGT, Your last sentence only, In MY Opinion, is dead on. If we don’t fight them on their ground, then they will fight us on ours. We’ve seen it and don’t want it repeated. God Bless Our Troops.
Guard, I fail to see where we disagree. My word is only to caution those of us who look upon the enemy and fail to see the threat because they have inferior weapons and body armor.
The minute we underestimate the enemy is the minute we have another 9/11.
When you don’t have a dog, you hunt with your cat.
No bulletproof vest? Lifesaver vest should work just fine!
The Twin Towers were brought down with box cutters.