114 thoughts on “If guns kill people…”

  1. I bet that’s what the guy who got killed in Arizona, by his 8 year old, thought too. Maybe guns don’t kill people, but they sure do have a big hand in their deaths.

  2. What a naive and misleading argument. It is not a coincidence that America has higher rates of violent crime and gun ownership than other developed countries.

    Furthermore, considering “guns” as an atomic set is disingenuous. Different kinds of guns should have different regulations. Any argument that average citizens need access to assault rifles is only evidence that the advocate of that viewpoint needs therapy.

    Any argument made by a t-shirt is bound to attempt to be pithy to the point of losing any real meaning, other than serving as a sound bite. The only people swayed by such an argument are the weak minded and those who have already decided their stance.

    Shame on this rustic and rural individual for intellectual dishonesty in this debate, and for propagating a system that is endangering the lives of all members of society.

  3. The only function a gun serves is to kill or wound another living thing. You couldn’t misspell without something to write with, you couldn’t drive drunk without a car, and you cant kill someone without a weapon.

    Its not like guns are bought as flower holders or paperweights. When your trying to defend an object made with the sole purpose of killing something, saying that they don’t kill people, then why the hell do you own one? xD

  4. Not only do I own one, I own several. I don’t hunt. I just shoot paper. I own them also as insurance against a day where I might have to protect myself.
    There’s a zen about good marksmanship.
    I’ll guess there are many like me, fascinated by these little mechanical marvels.
    Sorry if you can’t understand that. I don’t malign non gun owners. I would expect no less.

  5. why own one? i’ve never killed anyone. never killed anything. i have given some pieces of paper some nasty wounds. its a sport you idiot.

  6. Bloodyneptune, you are a blithering idiot.
    If you needed “something to write with” to misspell, how do you explain spelling bees? If a car is required to drive drunk, what about motorcyclists, bicyclists, and boaters (all of whom can be held legally liable for driving drunk)? Finally, the possible means of killing someone are almost infinitely varied – no weapon required, far less a gun.
    The only function a gun serves is to propel a small piece of lead, sometimes encased (fully or partially), in copper – otherwise known as a “bullet” – from Point A (the muzzle of the gun) to Point B (selected at the discretion of the person holding the gun and pulling the trigger) at a high rate of speed (or velocity).
    Since the Point B is, in fact, selected by the actions of the PERSON, the PERSON is the responsible agency for whatever results from the high-velocity impact of the small piece of lead (i.e. “guns don’t kill people, people do”).
    In point of fact, by FAR the most common function served by guns is to punch holes in little pieces of paper, often inscribed with concentric circles, otherwise known as “targets.”
    Another common function served by guns is to prevent bad people from inflicting violence (sometimes with guns, more often with cruder implements or just plain physical force) on other people. Sometimes good people use guns to propel the little bits of lead into bad people, thus rendering them physically incapable of inflicting violence on others; sometimes, good people (including police officers) are able to prevent violence by merely SHOWING their guns to the would-be violent bad people.
    The point of the shirt – and I know it’s difficult for your indoctrinated and biased brain to understand, Bloodyneptune, which is why I used simple words – is that guns are merely tools. The use of the tool is dependent on the mind which directs it – which can be for either good or evil. Don’t punish the tool – nor punish the good mind; rather, punish the evil. Clear enough?

  7. BN,

    I bought a gun so I could kill people if they broke into my house. It’s a lot like the fire extingusiher I keep in the kitchen, it’s not likely to get used but it’s there if I need it.

    The problem are those people who buy guns, or steal guns, to kill people while they are committing crimes, or stupid people who accidently kill people while they are being stupid.

    The problem is not me, and the problem is not my gun.

    Take Care,

  8. The problem is the easy way to get a gun, that’s why the people who break into ur house can have it. So, let’s not do it as easy.

    Here, in Europe is not that easy and have less problems than you.

  9. Guns cause crime. Therefore, matches cause arson.

    Makes perfect sense.

    But seriously, I’d rather have a relatively controlled environment as long as we have guns. Guns may only be tools, but they’re the source of an awful lot of temptation, and not everyone is willing to stand up to it. Until people change (they only get worse every year), gun control should be in place. Not strangling, just… there. Last thing we need is a totalitarian government where you only get your weapons via smuggling.

  10. Since no less an authority than the framers of the U.S. constitution saw the necessity of citizens owning guns, I think i’ll keep my guns. Since a ban on guns would disarm some law abiding citizens and zero criminals, I think i’ll keep my guns and hope I never do something stupid with’em, and hope i’m never forced to shoot someone, but if i’m ever faced with a confrontation with an armed criminal, I hope i’ve got my gun to aim at him, instead of just a finger to shake at him.I am Gary and I approved this message.

  11. SeMe, if you’l stay over there in Europe with your lack of problems, i’ll stay here in the U.S and deal with our problems

  12. Well I read these comments and was driven to comment and defend BloodyNeptune as I felt his words could well have come from me and yet he is getting attacked from all sides by the pro-gun lobbyists!

    All you gun owners will try to justify your view regarding the ownership of a deadly weapon with all sorts of arguments about using it to defend yourself and protect what is yours etc etc. But bottom line is if there were no guns in the world at all then there would be no gun deaths and gun injuries. This you cannot argued with. Yes, we may still have murders committed with knives and hands but this involves one using your own strength and is a lot more intimate. Pulling a trigger from a distance is just so much easier… and usually a lot more destructive!

    I am sure you all have an argument for the regular stories we hear about kids taking guns to school and blowing away fellow classmates … and stories of children getting their hands on their parents gun and accidentally shooting a friend or sibling…. or the stories of drunken family quarrels resulting in a father killing his entire family and himself…. or a stolen gun being used to kill someone in a robbery…. but of course none of these things apply to all you responsible gun owners who only shoot paper targets….. these stories are all someone else’s issue and stupidity… obviously!!

    Eradicate guns altogether and we eliminate gun crimes!

    And out of interest this view comes from someone who is all too familiar with the use of guns and crime as I am a South African resident. You would think I of all people would be pro firearms for defensive purposes but I still feel they do more harm than good! At what point do you pull out your gun and shoot someone? What if that person you think is breaking into your house that you shoot is in fact your child climbing in the window after a drunken night out in which she lost her keys? And yes, this is something that happened to an ex rugby player fairly recently in South Africa! If he had no gun she would still be alive!

  13. Gun Ownership at All-Time High, Violent Crime Near 30-Year Low
    More Guns, Less Crime (Again) in 2007

    Gun Ownership at All-Time High, Violent Crime Near 30-Year Low


    Over the last two decades, many “gun control” laws have been eliminated or made less restrictive at the federal, state, and local levels. Numbers of privately-owned guns and Right-to-Carry states have risen to all-time highs. Every step of the way, “gun control” groups predicted violent crime would increase. Instead, violent crime decreased dramatically.

    Less “Gun Control”: The Brady Act’s handgun waiting period expired in 1998, in favor of the NRA-supported National Instant Check System. Some states thereafter eliminated waiting periods or purchase permit requirements. The federal “assault weapon” ban expired in 2004. Since 1987, 30 states have eliminated prohibitory or restrictive carry laws, in favor of Right-to-Carry (RTC) laws; there are now 40 RTC states. All states have hunter protection laws, 46 have range protection laws, 47 prohibit local jurisdictions from imposing gun laws more restrictive than state law, 44 protect the right to arms in their constitutions, and Congress and 33 states have prohibited frivolous lawsuits against the firearm industry.1 Studies by or for Congress, the Congressional Research Service, the Library of Congress, the National Institute of Justice, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found no evidence that “gun control” reduces crime.

    More Guns: The number of new guns rises by about 4.5 million every year.3 There are 250+ million privately-owned firearms in the United States.4

    Less Violent Crime: Since 1991, the nation’s total violent crime rate is down 38 percent. (Murder is down 43 percent; rape, 29 percent; robbery, 46 percent; and aggravated assault, 35 percent.) Violent crime dropped every year from 1991-2004, to a 30-year low; increased slightly in 2005 and 2006; and decreased to nearly the 2004 level in 2007. Every year since 2002, the violent crime rate has been lower than anytime since 1974. Every year since 1999, the murder rate has been lower than anytime since 1966. States with RTC laws, compared to the rest of the country, have lower violent crime rates on average: total violent crime by 24 percent, murder, 28 percent; robbery, 50 percent; and aggravated assault, 11 percent.

  14. I love how each side of the argument is happy to point out the fallacies of the other in their slogans, then goes out and uses similar methods in their own propaganda.

  15. Does it really matter if there are guns or not? It is simple, let us remove all guns in the world. People will use knives instead. Let us remove all knives in the world, people will use spoons. Don’t get it? The gun is not to blame nor is the knife or spoon. We are gonna destroy one another because it is human nature. It’s not movies or video games. It is not bad parenting or bad role models. It is just human nature. We won’t stop until we are all dead, one way or another!

  16. I have some questions for all you gunners out there: Why do you need to throw bullets to pieces of paper? Honestly it does’nt make any sense. It’s a sport you say. So, why don’t you throw something with your hand or use anything harmless to anybody? Why do you need guns (or something that was created to kill people, not to throw things at pieces of paper) to have fun? You want to improve your aim? Try Ping-pong.

  17. OK. this is getting out out hand. anyone who is responsible with a gun uses it for sport and hunting. hunters are in fact, VERY responsible with their weapons and follow gun safety to the dot because they are aware of the danger they induce. the only people who kill with guns are law enforcement, irrespnsible owners, druggies and criminals, and crazy hillbillies who would probably kill people even if they didn’t own a gun. Granted guns are extremely dangerous, a death resulting from being shot can be blamed entirely on the shooter, for it was his decision to kill, and he probably would killed you had HE nit had a gun, just like the crazy hillbillies. Might I add, if someone is incorrectly using a gun and kills another OR Themselves they are to blame for knowing the danger of a gun and disregarding safety regulations.

  18. The anti-gun people will never dissuade me. You see I’m their worst nightmare. I’m a responsible gun owner who saved someone by having a gun. I render all their arguments against gun ownership moot.

  19. i agree to the that people kill people and not guns, but if it is truely people that shoot people is that not an arguement for the ilegalisation of guns itself. i mean shouldnt guns be made ilegal to save people from their own inhumanity.

  20. People please, don’t try to justify anything with lame excuses – Guns are made to kill, and to kill only. Whether or not you choose to act on it, is entirely up to you. The Columbine massacre and many others like it are fictional horror stories.

  21. The point of the 2nd Amendment is to give “We The People” the ultimate power to have a limited Federal Government. How many extreme dictatorships do you see where the people have the right to own weapons.

    While my primary purpose in the Guard is to communicate (Hey, I’m Signal Corps!). I am not only trained to be accurate with an M-16A2, but I teach other Soldiers marksmanship.

    Why do we do that? Think about it. Do we do that for the sole purpose to kill on the battlefield? That is only partly true. We do that to protect ourselves. The point is to end the battle as quickly as possible. A dead enemy, while no longer a threat, is also a poor source of intel. That is a fact.

    An enemy that has surrendered is a very valuable source of intel. That gives us the means to take the fight to the enemy where it hurts the worst. And that saves lives all around.

    Here in the States, the right to own weapons is a right that keeps the bad people honest. Look at Australia where the people were forced to disarm. Weapon crimes are ever increasing. Why, the bad guys didn’t give up theirs! And they know their victims have no legal means to fight back! A nation of sitting ducks!

    The bottom line is without weapons, we are sitting ducks not only for criminals, but for the loss of all of our Rights!

    Guard SGT

  22. i would like to pint out some problems with the whole statment on the back of the t-shirt because although guns dont kill people, pencils dont miss spell words, cars dont make you drive drunk, you can NOT draw parrells between them because you cant get angry and miss spell a word but you can get angry and kill someone the same goes for the other statments. the thing you have to account for is human emotion for example if you where in a marage and where faithfull to your wife for a number of years, and one day you come home early from work and find her having sex with another man. any normal man would go beserk, so what would happen if you didnt have a gun you would probibly hospitalise the other man and leave your wife and the worst you would get from the police would be a charge of GBH or ABH or something minor like taht, but add guns to the equasion you would go berserk and possibily commit 2 accounts of murder or at least attepmted murder which would result in either a jail term or a life on the run, which one would you perfer coz i know my choice.

  23. guard sgt i dont wish to be condisending because i can see you are a man of reason but, what about england? and isnt it the police that are there to stop criminals not civilians, if you arm civilians you can get people taking the law in to their own hands which can olny lead to more deaths. all im saying is leave the criminals to the police those who are trained to deal with those situations because when you buy a gun (as a civilian) you are not trained to deal with criminals and you are not trained how to be responsible with the gun, plus what would stop a would be criminal taking the gun off of you (a civilan not a trained man) and killing you with it which i theory could turn a mugging into a funeral.

  24. gun owner your not the peoblem its the iresponsible gun owner thats the problem and you shoudnt group yourself with them

  25. joe,

    If guns are made only to kill, then surely cars are made for one purpose – to exceed the speed limit.

    While it’s true that a bullet fired from a gun can kill, it is estimated that less than one in ten million shots are used to kill, the rest are fired at inanimate targets.

    Sure, guns can kill. If you hit someone hard enough with one. A cricket (or baseball) bat is a muck more efficient weapon.

  26. i believe everyone should own a gun and here’s why. i was robbed at gun point a year and 2 months ago with no way to protect myself. i was at the full discretion of those with the gun. in my state it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon but when you feel the lose of all your power to someone when it could have been prevented by something as simple as showing your peice i’d go back in time and break that or any law that says we can’t have a gun because i guarantee you the criminals won’t be stopped by some stupid law. if the day comes when there is a way to destroy all guns ever made and for there to be no way for someone to make them the anti-gun crew might have something valuable to say but as of now they are just disarming me and all other law-abiding citizens.

  27. It seems to me (an American) that our issue with guns is our issue, but thank you Europe. How could a repressive government be overthrown by little old pop guns like we have here anyway? Ask Cubans prior to Castro, in addition to those who fled. The framers understood this in many many ways and backed it up by semi-clear language. Don’t be jealous everyone else of our freedoms of both debate and gun ownership rights. In fact I think we should have more rights like a little town here in the US that has open carry laws and also that everyone be required to own a gun (read it is a law that you MUST own a gun). Seems the crime rate there is almost nil. Prior to this law being placed into effect it was crime ridden. A coincidence? Hardly.

  28. oh yeah get rid of the second act in the bill of rights. Thats a great idea. While we are at it lets get rid of the other ones as well. After all most countries dont give their people the same rights we give ours. Lets get rid of freedom of speech, assembly, double jeopardy bad, etc. if we dont have our guns eventually all of the other ones will be taken as well.

    i own a gun, a nice pump-action shotgun. It is more then capable of killing a person. This is the very reason i bought it. i work nights pretty often and i didnt like the idea of my wife home with only my two infant sons. Maybe if i could to afford to live in a better neighborhood like all you rich limousine liberals i wouldnt need a gun. Instead I live in a shitty neighborhood with all the urban poor you people love so much.

    Oh while we are on the subject I due part time work in a factory in amish country. Those guys are armed, and i mean all of them. my best friend is married and studying ti be a physicist. He owns an AK47. So let me ask you: who are you more afraid of? Me with my two kids and underpaying computer job, the amish or a 6 foot tall puck from the inner city with a bat?

  29. Put one bullet in a revolver. Put the revolver on a shelf. If the gun kills someone without anybody touching the gun then you can take my guns away.

  30. Wow, what a great idea!!!

    I’ll just keep my guns until all the bad guys’ guns are eradicated–completely–and then I’ll gladly give mine up.

    When you can come up with a way to “eradicate all guns,” you’ll be a prize winner.

    Until then, you just sound like a typical anti-gun advocate with no legs to stand on.

    By the way, I’m a highly educated city dweller who does not vote Republican–ever–and the furthest thing from a hillbilly you’ll ever meet. I own 4 handguns and a shotgun.

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