114 thoughts on “If guns kill people…”

  1. I am sick and tired of those gun-nuts and their phrase”guns do not kill, but people kill people. Please use your brain if that is possible. The argument that not guns kill people if a crazy person goes out and shoots at random, but you could do this with knives or other weapons (no guns) too is completly insane. First of all, does anyone think you can go out there and stab several people to death all by yourself? I do not think so!!!! With a gun however you can go and shoot many rounds and many targets and kill them. Get my point, you gun-lovers?

    If a person owns a gun and gets angry or becomes a nut-case he/she will use this gun in a fight or on a rampage, because it is there and easy to use. If this weapon was not made available for everybody to use, they would think a little more of going out with a knive or anything else they need to make close contact to kill people. The cance of getting hurt too, scares them off.
    Guns give people like those supporters a big head and attitude. The only reason guns are so big in the USA is because the Riffle Assoc. wants to make big bucks any way they can, people do you not get that. Their slogans about your rights and safety is complete nonsense and propaganda taken seriously by certain people, not able to think by themselves. Go ahead buy a gun and make them richer, the rest of us can hope that you do not become a nut and shoot us, because you are what? Protecting yourself???

  2. To those who are pro gun and anti gnu control:

    “I’m sick and tired of people like you
    You think you’re clever but you haven’t a clue
    (what can you do?)

    A two watt light bulb is brighter than you
    I’m sick and tired of people like you?

    Loser by Dolores O’Riordan

    NO MORE GUN!!!

  3. Ella I think you are slightly retarded. Wait till you family is killed with a gun and then we will see if you like guns to defend yourself.

  4. You are totally missing the point. Where did that gun come from to kill the family in the first place? Seriously, think a little before attacking others.

  5. Hey Xiang’er
    Why don’t you think of a better “song”
    you really can’t rhyme the word “you” with “you” chief
    how about this one…

    You think that you can take my gun,
    Well i will tell you something son,
    Bring it on, you can try,
    But you will probably die,
    You would not be armed, thus making you dumb,
    If you want my guns, COME AND TAKE ‘EM!

  6. well im confused. if anyone can reply to clear this up i’d appreciate it.
    I personally dont like guns. They scare me to be honest. And i couldnt live with myself killing anyone, even in self-defense.
    I thought we should ban guns, but then only the criminals will own them.
    But if we allow guns, they will be in the hands of tons of people and suppose those people have anger issues and use them to kill?
    im not really sure.
    plus wouldnt showing your gun in self-defense encourage a criminal to shoot?

  7. First off, I do NOT own a gun. I think its crazy that people are even having this fight. There are so many other things that are worth fighting over. The fact that people like Ella see a shirt that is supposed to be funny and turn it into a chance to start a fight is just ludicrous! “The right to bear arms” is in our constitution! Get over it. Yes, bad people own guns and do bad things with them. That is a problem, but its no reason to take guns away from everyone. Not everyone who owns a gun goes and shoots a person or robs a bank. Get over yourselves and deal with it! Think about it… Have you ever been shot??

    Didn’t think so.

  8. If they outlawed guns now, only criminals would have guns. Criminals seem like the type that shoot people to me, just sayin’.

  9. The simple fact of the matter is this: and advantage, no matter how small, can be turned into a weapon.

    but once more than one person has that advantage, you cannot put it down! Because in a fight, you would automatically lose.

    I would love for thier to be last peace, I long for the day we dismantle our nuclear weapons, and every threatening thing. But as long as there are violent and greed people in this world,

    that is impossible!

    this is not a perfect world. If we tried to destroy all the weapons we have, someone would keep enough to have an advantage, and we would be at their mercy, be it for the good, or the more likely, for the evil!

    no, we need to train our youth. To teach them truly how dangerous guns are. each them the value of life, and what it truly means to have such a dangerous thing in their hands. We need better security to keep guns out of children’s hands.

    but most of all, we need to work towards an earth that has no need of weapons! Because it is only in a truly peaceful world, that we can begin to lay down these destructive things. Only by a lack of need for defense, can we lay down our offense.

  10. It’s kinda funny how criminals have unionized to the point that they can ban you from shooting at them before they break into your house

  11. i hate it when pple dont like guns … just because theres a bunch of idiots that hunt wile drunk and hold pple hostage and shoot pple on perpous doeset mean that i cant have my own rifle bc im on a rifel team and i rely want a gun but im only 12 y r pple such idiots!!!

  12. Ella, I own rifles, pistols, knives, axes and an assortment of other weapons and guess what? In 40+ years I’ve never killed a single human being without cause. In fact over 2 million legal gun owners didn’t break the law today. But why should you listen to the truth, like the fact that states with concealed weapon permits have lower violent crime rates than the states without concealed weapons permits…

    I know just what your problem is, and I’ll let Sigmund Freud explain it. “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.” There you go, that is why you don’t want other to own firearms, because you are transferring your own sexual and emotional deficiencies onto others.

    Or maybe you should listen to Susan B Anthony, the mother of the American Feminist movement when she said, “I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.” Oh, that’s right, she still liked men so the feminists disowned her.

    This country was created at the barrel of a gun and has remained free because men and women are willing to take up arms when required and be ready when they are not required. Too bad fools like you fail at history and damn the rest of us to repeat it.

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