Infidel – He’s everywhere

Someone mentioned Googling infidel because they didn’t know who he was.  I’m not sure what they found, but when I Googled “Infidel bits” I got this as the first link:

Infidel bits

Just Googling “Infidel” by itself, I found a lot more links.  I was afraid to click any of the links for fear of what I might find.  Here are just a few of the results I found… and a few comments.

10 thoughts on “Infidel – He’s everywhere”

  1. DAYUM!! Im everywhere thats just too fuc*ing funny,I really love the list of my very own babes and you are babes, all of you

  2. LOL Bromance! I don’t think so!
    There is some funny stuff on that list! I like that he comes with a manual!!

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