This just in…..

Strange headlines….

* “Slain Doctor Worried About His Death” — In a local paper in Canada.

* “Public Inquiry To Be Launched Into Avalanche” — A front page headline in the National Post.

* “Youth Hit By Train Is Rushed To Two Hospitals” — In a local paper.

* “Ministry Probes Dead Fish” — In a local paper in Canada.

* “Nixon Beneath the Surface” — The headline of an expose column about Richard Nixon, several days after his death.

* “Golfing Immortal Dies Aged 69” — A headline in a New Zealand paper.

* “Flawless Take-Off Marred By Hitch” — A headline in a New Zealand paper.

* “Holy Mother Crushes Sacred Infant” — In a Catholic newspaper, referring to a basketball game between two Catholic High Schools.

* “Women Look Good” — In a Canadian newspaper, referring to the women’s curling team during the 1998 Winter Olympics.

* “Joint Committee Investigates Marijuana Use” — A local newspaper of a suburb of Toronto, describing a committee set up by the board of education and the local municipality to investigate marijuana use among high school students.

* “Church Plan Upsets Brothel” — Adelaide Advertiser, October 23, 2000

* “Man Died of Natural Causes” — Wirral News Group, October 25, 2000

* “School Praised After Vandalism” — West Briton, November 9, 2000

* “Tortoises Held Hostage As Lobster War Turns Nasty” — Independent, November 19, 2000

* “Rise of ‘Mutants’ Leaves France a Divided Nation” — Times, November 21, 2000

* “Pepsi To Increase Recycled Content In Products.” — The headline of an article in Plastics news about Pepsico increasing the amount of recycled plastic in their bottles.


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