Obviously, Snow White steered the dwarfs down the wrong path, or that woman needs to shave her back. Reply
When the dwarfs heard that Snow White had eaten a rotten apple, they ran to her rescue….unfortunately, they misheard, and ran into the rotton a$$hole….. Reply
Oops, one went in the bach door, I think it was Stinky.
Or was it Goofy?
Where’s Poopy?
The seventh dwarf, Humpy, went in the tunnel.
Crack kills.
…some tattoos just shouldn’t be shown….
You would not believe what goes on in the front.
Obviously, Snow White steered the dwarfs down the wrong path, or that woman needs to shave her back.
Ken (KLAW),
You’re working overtime on this one. You must really like it.
Well, he’s certainly not bashful…
Jonco, I am scratching my butt wondering who would do such a thing. Dunno.
My skinny ass would not hold 3 dwarfs.
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There were actually 8 dwarfs, but Lumpy died of cancer.
Tattoo, tattoo . . .
It’s off to work we go.
When the dwarfs heard that Snow White had eaten a rotten apple, they ran to her rescue….unfortunately, they misheard, and ran into the rotton a$$hole…..
hi ho high hoe it’s off to deee hooole weee goooo