12 thoughts on “Giant yeast infection”

  1. Ditch them ho’s. Is it the choirgirls, cheerleaders, soccer moms, hot dog day ladies, what would make them use happy face bags with c#@* cream????????

  2. infidel –

    I said that once.

    Then a couple of years later she’s way sick in bed and I’m shuffling thru the store in my dirty work clothes holding female product labels with notes written on them instructing me to look for certain color packages, picture coded labels, etc. Fact: There’s more brands and variations in that aisle than in the cereal aisle, but at least in the cereal aisle you’re ok with picking up a package and looking at it and reading the labels. In the woman’s aisle, not so much.
    From that point, I always advocated that she keep the house crazy over-stocked in that department.

    p.s. infidel – before you get married, let me point out one other little word to think about…diapers.

  3. DJ I think Im a little old to want kids now and most women already have 2,3,or 4 kids anyway,and Im still not gonna buy that stuff,DAYUM if theres that many different kinds how the hell did you ever get the right ones

  4. Let’s put it this way…She was always mad at me. For several decades. Just in varying intensities.
    She’s also no longer here…it’s so peaceful now.
    Of course, Baghdad was more peaceful than here…

  5. I have to agree with you DJ about the fine loss of a partner. NOBODY tells me what to do anymore. I do what I want, when I want, if I want, how I want, or if I don’t want. Life is fuc’n grand!! AND so very peaceful. 🙂


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