How big is Wal-Mart?

I’m not sure if this is true, but it’s interesting.

1 . At Wal-Mart, Americans spend $36,000,000 every hour of every day.

2 . This works out to $20,928 profit.  Every minute!

3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick’s Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.

4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target + Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.

5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people and is the largest private employer. And most can’t speak English

6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.

7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger & Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only 15 years.

8. During this same period, 31 supermarket chains sought bankruptcy (including Winn-Dixie).

9.  Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.

10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are SuperCenters;  This is 1,000 more than it had 5 years ago.

11. This year, 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at a Wal-Mart store.
(Earth’s population is approximately 6.5 billion.)

12. 90% of all Americans live within 15 miles of a Wal-Mart.

13. Let Wal Mart bail out Wall Street

Thanks Gene

24 thoughts on “How big is Wal-Mart?”

  1. I never go to wal-mart,they didnt want me in the store one time because my wife-beater or string tanktop was “showing too much” GMAFB…. on a guy? so I dont go there any more, F*ck you wal-mart and the horse you came in on, I go to target they dont care what I wear

  2. I used to work there. Its amazing. They have by far the coolest corporate culture i have ever seen. You know what we should do, get them to run the big three auto makers. They could turn them around. I will give you a few examples:

    1. there arent any real ranks there, everyone CEO down to stocker is called by their position and their FIRST name. There are no reserved parking spots for the higher ups, they eat lunch in the same room that the regular people do. The only company I ever felt like I was on a team was there. One night i was working in electronics there and this stupied camera on display was beeping for like an hour. The district manager (in charge of like 15 stores) walks by and sees me working by this camera. He asks me if the noise was bothering me I told him yeah. He said I should have told by boss and he goes and finds her to get the key to turn it off. This guy is incharge of thousands of employees and he did that.

    2. They are obsessed about costs. The CEO of walmart travels economy class. They make him share a motel room with anyone else he might be traveling with. Compare that with GM’s private jets

    3. No union

    4. They actually listen to you. They got this policy that if you can come up with an idea to improve things you can write it down and they will respond within 24 hours. Apparently almost everything they do on the store level was purposed by the stock guys.

    5. They prepare for every possible emergency. I remember reading about how they got water bottles and generators to new orleans before FEMA. In their handbooks they got detailed instructions for every possible problem from lost kid to governmental collapse

    6. I have heard from some business majors that they have the lowest paid executives you can find in any major company.

    7. When you do business with them they make you keep open financial books. If they think your costs are too high they send their organizers to your plant to make it run more efficient.

    8. Finally they have no real rules about promotions. There was a 20 year old girl there who was one of the higher ups. Only been with them for less then a year and already a manager.

    For the record I no longer work for walmart.

  3. At $20,928 profit every minute, that would be just under 11 trillion dollars of profit per year. No way is that stat even close to real. ExxonMobil, the largest company in the the world, “only” makes around 50 billion in profit per year.

    From MSNBC, Walmart had net sales of roughly 4 billion in the last quarter, so the 36 million a day is actually a little low.

  4. If they are so big, can’t they find room to keep the stuff I like? I swear everytime I go there, something I need is suddenly not available anymore.

  5. Infidel – how do you get kicked out of walmart for indecent exposure?! half the people in there are indecent! lol.. you deserve a high five.. too funny.

  6. calibabe thats what I thought, I dont have tits,well I do have some boobs from working out at the gym but Im a guy GMAFB but I dont care Im never going back, love you babe

  7. Anyone seen the movie by Spike Lee about Wal-Mart and it’s business practices ?

    Wal-Mart: Low prices – High Cost – it’s titled something like that…

    Personally I hate that place. It’s filthy, noisy, just about anyone can belch something over the PA system (and they usually do), I’ve never seen anything in there that was meant to last more than a year…be it clothes, electronics, small appliances…

    …then you see this movie one day and just listen at some of the arguements presented….sure, the movies claims are unlikely to be 100% accurate…but even if only 30% of what they argued is true (and considering the *severity* of these claims)….it’s not the kind of business I’d patronize. Ever.

    They will never see .01 of my money.

  8. I wish I didn’t have to spend $.01 of my money at Walmart, but some places like where I live, there’s Walmart Supercenter then there’s a few dollar stores and 1 dirty overpriced grocery store. There really isn’t any local comparable alternative anymore and it sucks.

  9. I don’t really know this corporate structure but somebodies making a lot of money. A hell of a lot of money. But if we throw Wal Mart, Target, McD’s, Oprah, Donald Trump, a couple of Saudi Prince’s, Dubai Royalty, The Queen, Travolta, and Bill Gates into the Mix, we’d all be financial secure.

  10. 1/2 of you are whining about walmart.. but who spends the 11 billion or trillion (or whatever the actual number is) dollars at the store… the American public (actually the world). If walmart is the worst thing on the planet, why do so many people spend so much of their money there?

    Walmart is not so bad… Yes they are closing down the small family businesses.. but so is every other big company in America. We are a McDonalized culture. Secondly… I bet nearly ever person who is whining about walmart shops at a store that is not a mom and pop/ small business to get a better price.

    Next, how many other companies do you know of that share their profits with their employees. If a store makes a profit in any given quarter a % of that profit goes to each of its employees… yup they cut them a check. every employee… down to the midnight shelf stockers.

    Walmart also hires the disabled and handicapped people who can’t get a job anywhere else. I think this is great. They can still do the job and it keeps them off government assistance, because they can earn their own way.

    also, the store I work at is a great environment to work in. The managers will get in there and help you put stock on the shelves, pull freight or clean something up. They are also very insistent on making sure you are getting paid for every minute of work you do. My store is clean and nice. The nighttime radio show is a compilation of requests from employees. If you work a holiday, even the not-really holidays like black friday, they will buy you lunch and bring in breakfast.

    I’ve had a pretty good experience working at walmart. So complain all you want.. but the American (and world) public keeps Walmart going.


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