21 thoughts on “Analtech”

  1. Jonco, how fortunate you are that you have health insurance to cover that cost. Imagine how many people without health insurance would be screwed by having to pay the entire cost of that operation. With or without anesthesia. Think about this…if America had universal health insurance, your out of pocket cost would have been $0.00.

  2. Paul: if America had genuine universal healthcare we’d be stuck in 2 year waiting lines for even simple surgery, level of care provided would be pathetic compared to what we get now, and we’d all be taxed to death to support such an overgrown and bloated worthless bureaucracy needed to run such a thing. It’s not going to help the poor, its going to help the welfare chumps who are too lazy and entitled to do anything worthwhile with their lives. And by the way… Who exactly do you think pays for this healthcare? Why the heck are Canadians coming down here for health care when they have it all “free” up there?!? Good healthcare is not a right, it’s a privilege, earn it.

  3. The first time I has a colonoscopy I didn’t have the insurance I have now. It cost me about $700-$800 if I recall correctly.

    It’s good to be out when being anal probed. Anesthetic Good!

  4. Nate: There are far better universal health care systems to draw upon than the system in Canada. I invite you to google “Denmark health care system” and do some research. You will see that the Danish system is completely localized, with none of the problems you think would happen here actually occurring. FYI, I chose Denmark because, according to a recent Forbes dot com article, the Danes live in “the world’s happiest place”. A very interesting quote from the site: “Happy fact: Denmark boats a happy workforce. The unemployment rate in December 2007 was only 2.7%. Some 75% of the labor force are members of a trade union.” Yes, trade unions!

  5. That amount of money is crazy Jonco. Fortunate for you, your part of the bill was minimal. I had my second, after three years, Nov. 21 at a VA hospital. A dose of Demerol in the IV and nothing mattered, afterwards they fed me; asked me to hang around for 45 minutes for the effects of the food to wear off, then I was on my way. No paper work, except the release, and no outrageous bills to pay.

    Anyone that is eligible for VA care and hasn’t enrolled is missing out.

  6. I would consider myself to be libertarian-leaning, but I have to be honest, I’ve slowly been warming up to the idea of socialized healthcare. I’ve been subject to government medicine before (military), I’ve lived in northern Europe and seen enough to know that it isn’t a detriment to their standard of living like a lot of people make it out to be, and quite honestly the faux-capitalist health care we have now isn’t a free market system and doesn’t offer a remotely decent value for the average consumer. It shouldn’t really need to cost anywhere close to $4k to shove a camera up someone’s ass, but it does because the system doesn’t really allow us to shop around. For most of us, we have to hope that our employer is subsidizing something decent or we’re screwed.

  7. I love these liberals that are always with the “free” health care,IT WONT BE FREE damn it someone(aka the taxpayers) will pay for it, I buy my own insurance I dont want to pay for other peoples,and put more thought in the Government running your insurance its a fact they F*CK UP everything they do

  8. i know this might not be relevant but has any one considered how unfair it is to people who dont want free healthcare? Look I pay for my own food, I dont want someone buying food for me. i am not a charity case. I pay for my health insurance out of pocket. Costs me a small fortune but i get pride that i earned it. If it was given to me for free I wouldnt feel as good about using it. Knowing that I am hurting everyone else to take care of myself.

  9. Looks like I won’t be having one, even though I’m 50 now. No health insurance. And it’s not altogether about the price, either. I had an opportunity to get a reduced price mammogram for $50 and didn’t, because what if they found something? Then I would never be able to buy insurance (when I get a great job, marry, or hit the lottery) because of a pre-existing condition.

  10. Isiah, the Danes, and everyone else with universal care, all pay for health insurance through their taxes. You already pay taxes, don’t you? So you are not hurting everyone else when you use that system. And wouldn’t you rather have some of that “small fortune” to spend on on other things? The additional amount you pay in taxes will not be equal to what your current health care plan costs. Plus, with universal health care, you can pick your own doctor, etc. Most health care plans in this country tell you what doctors you can choose from. I recently changed jobs, and with it, my healthcare plan changed radically. My new plan actually costs me more than the old plan, and I have a higher co payment and less services than before. Plus, I had to switch doctors.

  11. “Universal Health Care” in America will never be that as what Denmark has. First, compare the number of users involved.
    Second, compare attitude here. Just look at NO and how they were and are now. A goodly amount of NO couldn’t even get out of the way with a weeks notice.
    Third, compare government management ability. Has ANYTHING ever improved because the government became involved in it? (Again look at NO)

  12. Ramon, Seems to me that the American people should have the same kind of health care that our Senators and Congresscritters have. Their health care, after all, is paid for by you and me. If it’s good enough for them it should be good enough for the rest of us. You betcha.

  13. More than 3000 bucks for shoving something in someone’s ass? Isn’t that way too much? These practices take advantage of insurance companies, which leads insurance companies to take advantage of people, and so on.

  14. I saw a really cool article on this topic a while back about why Walmart should fix our health care system. It’s through MSN. If you don’t want to blindly follow the link i pasted, just google “walmart run health care system”, and this was the second listing: http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/JubaksJournal/LetWalMartFixUSHealthCare.aspx. VIVA LA WALMART!

    The way I see it is whether we have universal healthcare here or not, our system is so screwed up and needs to be fixed either way. It all stems from greed. Drug companies, doctors, insurance companies, people suing health care professionals left and right to get rich quick (cough…John Edwards) which then skyrockets the liability insurance for anything/anyone in the health care industry. It’s a huge skrewed up racket that we call our health care system, and there’s a whole bunch of people & companies to blame.

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