Top ten arguments that can’t be won

Since the time of fire, man has had arguments – rare or well done? Of course, arguments depend on your point of view, or in the case of husbands and wives, what the wife thinks. Some arguments are never-ending. Over the centuries, there have been some doozies that have kept philosophy students and teachers debating.

To be included on this list of Arguments That Can’t Be Won, the argument must have no clear answer that cannot be countered with another opposing view.

Here they are in no particular order:

  1. Evolution or Creation?
  2. Nature vs. Nurture
  3. Gun control
  4. Euthanasia
  5. The Death Penalty
  6. Abortion or Pro-life?
  7. Free will or Destiny?
  8. Morals – Relative or Universal?
  9. The chicken or the egg?
  10. Does God Exist?

Details on each argument here.


20 thoughts on “Top ten arguments that can’t be won”

  1. lol.. except for the fact that any argument based purely on faith rather than actual logic is inherently faulty. Refer yourself to the infamous Cartesian cicle of Rene Descartes on his quest to “prove” God Exists. The reason you cannot “argue” or “win” many of these debates is because one side is based on logic and the other on faith. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. The entire premise of faith is that you DON’T believe in it logically, but on faith alone. Logic requires proof and premise and, in same cases, the scientific method.

    For example: you can argue pro life v. abortion all day, but all it comes down to in the end is how you PERSONALLY define “life” which has nothing to do with “winning a debate” and everything to do with coming to terms with your personal opinion on the matter.

    Same for evolution, creation, etc.

  2. No 1 raises the question that is asked in the movie ‘Expelled.’ If Evolution can’t be why is it proven, why is it taught as fact?

  3. Toilet seat up…or down?

    Toilet paper over….or under?

    Salt first….or lime, when doing tequila shots?

    Beer in a bottle….or can?

    Redhead, blonde….or brunette?

    Bit & Pieces…..or work email?

    Tough questions indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I have always disagreed with the chicken or the egg conundrum? Obviously the egg came first because if it’s a chicken then it must have come from the egg. But say a chicken mates with a turkey and then lays an egg. A churkey will be the offspring, not a chicken even though it came from a chicken.


  5. I feel sorry for all who honestly believe that creation vs evolution might be an argument that can’t be won.
    Please my friends, this world is bad enough without people saying saying bullshit about the creation. Completly nonsense.
    IF god exist (and that is an truly argument that cant be won) for sure (i said, for sure) did’t create this universe like the bible said. That’s a damn fact. It’s not only scientifically proven, but it’s something that anyone can understand on his own if he honestly thinks with his mind. Come on!!
    I know the post is a joke. But I can’t stand jokes when evolution is brought into question. Sorry.

  6. I could probably win:

    1. Evolution or Creation?
    2. Nature vs. Nurture
    4. Euthanasia
    5. The Death Penalty
    6. Abortion or Pro-life?
    7. Free will or Destiny?
    8. Morals – Relative or Universal?
    9. The chicken or the egg? (This one for sure)

  7. I may be being a little pedantic here…but the egg came first. Unnnnlesssss the question is what came first the chicken or the chicken egg…
    There were animals laying eggs before the chicken was around…

    And, now I want a churkey….

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