I support our troops because someone has to pray for their safety. I never said I did NOT support our troops. What I do NOT support is someone such as John McCain who PURPOSELY put himself and his troops in harms way enough to be shot down during the Vietnam war. This is a man who prided himself on receiving demerit after demerit during his time in the military and was proud of it.
I would assume if you’re in the military and you recieve over 300 demerits then you need to be disciplined in some form or fashion. Maybe even dishonorably discharged. However the powers that be – “my daddy and his daddy was in the military” he was allowed to stay. Just like George W. Do you honestly think if Bush’s last name was let’s say – BLACK and he drank his way through Yale, did coke and was a cheerleader – we would have elected him President? No – it’s because of who his father was that got him over.
We up here in Washington, DC and the rest of the FREE North call it WHITE PRIVILEGE. Look it up and you’ll see pictures of every white person in America that sh*t pissed away opportunity after opportunity and still got the brass ring because of the color of their skin – point blank…
If you watched the RNC convention (I’m assuming you were off somewhere drinking beer and not being coherent enough actually listen and comprehend what was being said) Fred “Law & Order” Thompson pointed out John McCain’s 300 demerits while in the military. Who in the hell is proud of that fact? Nothing but a old, senile man who after he came back from Vietnam took one look at his wife (who was disfigured in a car accident) divorced her and took up with his current wife Cindy McCain. Why do you think his children from his first marriage don’t really care for their own father or their step-mother? That picture of them on the cover of People magazine was truly staged and I know it was painful to even be in the same room with the 2 of them to even do the cover. Read the article and you’ll see for yourself – his kids aren’t too happy with him as a MAN, father, husband.
And you call this man patriotic? You call this man a leader? You call this man the answer to YOUR issues, this economic crisis, and this senseless war?
Please I would have written my own name on the ballot if Barack or Hillary weren’t my choices.
It amazes me the level of childishness that goes on even after an election..
No matter who won, there was going to be backtalk about it the next day by the people who supposed the losing side.. Can’t we just be adults about this, and wait and see what happens when the victor takes office?
Why yes, I voted for the winner – Why? Because I don’t think McCain gave a crap about what the citizens wanted, he came off as only caring what HE wanted. That isn’t why you are elected to a public office, it’s why you rise in a private company…
I will be the first to say that I take everything BOTH sides say with a grain of salt – I’m hopeful that the things Obama says he will do, he actually will do – We all know that in any winner’s case, promises tend to be broken – it would have been just as likely if McCain won.
McCain gave a very honorable and humble speech last night, of which no one can say happened very often when he was running. Smears went back and forth, which is what the game seems to always turn to. At least in the end, he showed his dignity.
As for Obama supporters – How about knocking off the flaunting and giving crap to McCain supporters? It could have just as easily happened to you (like it did in the last two elections)
As for McCain supporters – Do you really think making claims like the whole world is going to end when Obama takes office help anyone at all? If you want to be cautious, by all means – but knock off the smearing because you’re on the losing team this time around.. It should be quite a sign that when your own hardcore supporters boo Palin when her name is said last night in AZ. It was simply a mistake, as everyone tends to do once in a while. We’re all human, and you’ll have a chance in 4 years again, if Obama doesn’t keep his word..
So how about we all grow up a little, and show the rest of the world we aren’t the arrogant idiots that we’ve come off to be in the last 10 years?
Wow Art,
I’m impressed by that witty come back. I’m sure you refused W’s “stimulus” check like all good neo-con’s did! When you got nothin else, you can always call names!!
Art – this isn’t the place for you to be calling people names – move on if you’re not going to act like an adult.. We can all disagree, but the name calling is just childish, and we all know that..
Would you be so kind as to repost Art’s last reply to me, just to show your readers how far out of hand this has gotten. He refered to me as a leftist troll, which is fine, maybe I am. But he also infered my mother should have aborted me in her first trimester. That completely crosses the line of decency and as far as I’m concerned Art should be banned from posting until he can get a handle on his attitude. Sure, he’s upset about Obama winning the election. It was a clean win, fair and square. The democrats of this nation had to endure 2 questionable election win’s by W et al, but never did I hear anyone wish someone had been aborted as Art did. Anyone else with me on this?
I’ve been monitoring this “debate” if you can call it that. It’s more like a third-grade argument. The name calling part is very childish. I would hope that people would act like adults and discuss things and feelings responsibly. It’s OK if someone else doesn’t agree with you. You’re NOT always right, contrary to what some people think.
I’ve debated about pulling the plug on the whole post, but haven’t yet. I don’t want to do that, but I’m not saying I won’t. Nor, do I want to censor anyone. I have censored a few words, but have pretty much left the comments in tact.
Let’s try to take a breath and be a tad more civil to our fellow citizens of the world. It’s not ALL ABOUT YOU and your feelings. Other people have feelings too. Now, go out and play well together… or I’ll ground you all!
“We up here in Washington, DC and the rest of the FREE North call it WHITE PRIVILEGE. … white person in America … still got the brass ring because of the color of their skin”
So, you’re not only a dumbass, you’re a racist, too. I guess that by “FREE” you mean always in line with your hand out. As for “WHITE PRIVILEGE”, the privilege is all yours, jerk.
Here’s some white people “pissing away” their “opportunities”:
Excuse me, but I wasn’t the one who brought up abortion or insulted McCain. Simply look at the timing of the posts to see who initiated this.
“And while I’m p*ssed and on a rant about conservative bullsh*t, why is it that a fetus in the first trimester of gestation, that can’t survive outside the uterus is so sacred.” – tomac
If you’re going to put up posts suggesting that McCain’s a “coward” or that human life isn’t sacred, you should have the sac to handle the response.
Just like a leftist to try to silence his opposition!
“After all, you, and your fellow leftists, are barely able to survive outside the womb without a government handout.”
I’m sure all those leftist Nobel Prize winners who supported Obama won their prizes from welfare, and not hard work.
“If they try to tear down the US constitution and impose a socialist nightmare, well, you get the picture.”
Who exactly did this? I do believe that if you do some little research you’ll find that the worst enemies of the constitution, of civil freedoms, have been the right wingers.
And haven’t you people heard about social democracies?
Just explain the inconsistancy in sacredness of life from a conservatives view. Why is a fetus viewed as sacred and its wrong to be aborted, but a young soldier can be sent to the front line for a sure death sentence? That’s all I want to know. You’re smart guy and I’d like to hear your answer.
Not sure how y’all are connecting Obama & 1st trimester abortions…
“But Obama’s record on abortion is extreme. He opposed the ban on partial-birth abortion — a practice a fellow Democrat, the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, once called “too close to infanticide.” Obama strongly criticized the Supreme Court decision upholding the partial-birth ban. In the Illinois state Senate, he opposed a bill similar to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which prevents the killing of infants mistakenly left alive by abortion.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/01/AR2008040102197.html
“In March 2003, registered nurse Jill Stanek submitted a statement to the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services committee in which she reported that infants who survived abortions at her Oak Lawn hospital were sometimes “taken to the Soiled Utility Room and left alone to die.” Stanek was lobbying the committee to approve the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002, which would have recognized any infant born alive after an abortion as a human being deserving legal protection. Barack Obama, then the committee chairman, defeated the bill with his fellow Democrats in a 6-4 party-line vote.” http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/015/404kfgky.asp
All American soldiers VOLUNTEER to be in the armed forces knowing full well that they can be called to go to war at any time, and possibly die. IT’S THEIR JOB… TO BE READY TO GO TO WAR! No matter if the war is unpopular or not, they go. That’s what they signed up for. And thankfully there are young men who do just that. I can’t speak for all the troops, but over and over I hear from many of them in the news, etc. that they WANT to be there for our country’s continued freedom. Can someone find reliable statistics that show how many soldiers that are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan want to be there and how many that do not want to be there? I’d like to know.
A helpless fetus is there to mature into a helpless baby that is born, that in turn matures into an adult that can usually decide what to do for him/herself. No fetus or infant has ever volunteered to die. An adult who volunteers to be soldier can make that decision.
Q: President Bush has talked about our staying in Iraq for 50 years — ” (cut off by McCain)
McCain: “Make it a hundred.”
And in 100 years when we have no economy, no health care, nothing but born to die solders shipped in and shipped out, you would be wishing you had voted differently (or in some cases, VOTED AT ALL)
He might not bring change.. maybe not right away.. but what Obama does bring is A CHANCE… The opportunity that McCain flat out denied all of us. And if you have a problem with getting a chance at something better, you can take it up with the majority, because conspiracies theories are fine when its UFOs, but the fact is Obama won fair and square.
Our president elect has made a promise to give us change.. we have a CHANCE at CHANGE and we should be grateful enough to give him the same chance. You people make me sick, whining and b*tching when you now have a CHANCE to make this nation better then it was.. Could we do that with McCain? Maybe, but obviously the blowhards who wanted him to win so bad.. said he should have won.. didn’t bother to vote, and that’s their own danged fault. I VOTED! My voice counted, and if, in 4 years, Obama has failed, It’s on my shoulders.. but because I voted I have every right to tell you lazy whiners to STFU. You lost that chance.. take the next one that comes along.
tomac the comment you refer to should have been removed it was rude but you dont have to cry like a baby be a man or woman or what ever the hell you are,now for the liberals that want to bitch me I said President Obama was my President Im not going to refer to him as Hitler like you liberals did Bush, you called Bush everything in the book and showed him no respect,caligirl nice comment DAYUM I love you
“… hope u can die soon” Nice, real nice. I personally threatened no one, called for the assassination of no one. I’m not a violent person. Angry & bitter? Sure, I’ll admit to that. But, we as Americans resolve our political differences at the ballot box, not with a call to violence or a hope to it either. You want to debate me? Sure, I’ll debate with you. I wish McCain would have ended his concession speech with these words,”God help you, and God help the United States of America.” It would have been classic.
Conservatives, return to your roots. We’ve lost our way.
Holy crap! Why all the hatred??? I fail to understand how so many so-called adults can spew all of this hate all of the time. ENOUGH!!!! The left hated and still hates G.W. Bush but he’s on his way out so can we all just please try this again? I’ll repeat my earlier words: I did not vote for Obama, but he’s now my president-elect so I’m going to support him!! Simple as that! What possible good could come from me hating him? I’m old enough to know that when you hate, YOU are the one carrying the burden, not the target of your hatred. You folks that want to rip each other apart, do the rest of us a favor and exchange e-mails or something so that we can get back to decent discussion and debate without all the poison!!
I have a copy of what was said. For some reason I left this blog open .
What was being said here was so immature that I wanted to share it with my wife. I think the comment about obama taking our money just to give it to wellfare queens was laughable.
I think last nights southpark was dead on . It turns out that the world didnt end..
I would like to call to everyone’s attention to the rest of the world’s reaction to Obama’s win. When was the last time you saw so much hope and jubilation? When Dubya was elected? No, that’s not it. It’s obvious that the US has a huge impact on foreign lands, and if they have the insight to see that this man represents the potential to make THEIR lives better, why are we fighting amongst ourselves?
Walk a day in their shoes. Then come back and count your blessings.
You and your fellow conservitives already have. He’s been compared to Hitler, Carl Marx, Mussolini (sp), he’s been called a fascist, a socialist and damn near every other “ist” in the book. So…I’m laying this thing to rest. You guys have your opinions, and we have ours. We aren’t going to split this nation into the north and south as was tried a 140 years ago. After all, isn’t this what makes America a great nation? The ability to live together despite our differences, coming together in time of crisis and need?
Things are the way they are, Obama is everyone’s president and I believe he’ll do what right for everyone. One last comment, go “hit” someone, we’ll all feel better!
Just as people said in 2004 when George W. Bush was elected president, I now will say in a slightly different way: he is not MY president. And by he, I mean Barack Hussein Obama.
He doesn’t support my views, therefore will not get my support.
I cannot wait to see him fail to deliver the goods. Change is not coming!
For everyone saying he is not YOUR president.. for the people who whine and bitch about change, who can’t deal with the fact that the leader of the free world had more balls then them and is trying to do exactly what needs to be done despite the odds…. When things do change, when you’re able to pay your bills, when you’re not risking losing your home, when your children have a chance at collage and you have health care you can afford… I want you to deny yourself all those things, because you don’t WANT them, so you don’t deserve them.
Malalibop –
Just don’t know how I’m gonna pay those bills when my employer has been taxed beyond all reason and he has laid me off or gone out of business, when the Bush tax cuts have been allowed to expire costing me thousands more, when the death taxes and capital gains taxes and bunches of other taxes have been reinstated or increased, when the coal company in my county has been a victim of Obama’s brilliant plan to ‘bankrupt’ them, when the economy collapses under new terrorist attacks with a neutered military unable to cope, when illegal immigration increases because of free medical care and drivers licenses and more benefits for them, and when my 401K / IRA has been taken over by the Dems.
The kind of change I don’t need.
Can’t we all just have a nice intervention with Dr. Phil? Yeah, we f*cken liberals have railed on Bush pretty hard the past 8 years. Sorry if we hurt your feelings, but I’m not too keen on paying $4/gallon for gas while Bush’s cronies in the oil business make record profits of $40,000,000,000+ annually. http://money.cnn.com/2008/02/01/news/companies/exxon_earnings/ And how about retirement? Are all you Obama haters gonna retire when you want to? Do you have enough to pay for college for your kids? And how about your home mortgage-have you been foreclosed on yet?
You see, all the sh*t that has happened to us “leftist trolls” compliments of the Bush administration, has happened to YOU too. We’re just not content putting our heads in the sand and saying everything’s great, lets have 4 more! The way things are right now with our country, liberals and conservatives alike should be p*ssed and screaming for a change. We can’t accurately predict what Obama is going to do but I for one believe he is capable of turning this country around, regaining respect for America in the global arena, and making improvements in each and every persons life. And, if he screws up somehow, and I’m sure he will, then you guys can have your fun. Until then lets ALL shut up, grow up, and see what happens.
tomac thanks for the concern but I can make it through any Obama mess we have Im a rich Conservative,and dont give me the big oil crap compare the percentage of profit with Mircosoft,look who makes more!why dont you liberals go after Microsoft,profits belong to the company NOT THE GOVERMENT,do you want to take the profits and give them to deadbeats? heres a FACT giving money to the poor has never helped them it only makes more of them aka the new deal and let us not forget LBJ
cool. by the way i just put up my impeach obama bumper sticker. muhahaha! Dont feel bad if McCain had won i would have an ‘impeach McCain” sticker on now.
Are you really a rich fat cat conservative? I’ve watched your postings for some time and it seems like the only thing you claim to be good at is scr*win’ anything with boobs. “I’d hit it!!” over and over. That sounds like something a deep south, redneck, confederate flag flying, rich fat cat wanna be would say. Nice punctuation. “No child left behind”? I think not! I’m done here.
Art –
I support our troops because someone has to pray for their safety. I never said I did NOT support our troops. What I do NOT support is someone such as John McCain who PURPOSELY put himself and his troops in harms way enough to be shot down during the Vietnam war. This is a man who prided himself on receiving demerit after demerit during his time in the military and was proud of it.
I would assume if you’re in the military and you recieve over 300 demerits then you need to be disciplined in some form or fashion. Maybe even dishonorably discharged. However the powers that be – “my daddy and his daddy was in the military” he was allowed to stay. Just like George W. Do you honestly think if Bush’s last name was let’s say – BLACK and he drank his way through Yale, did coke and was a cheerleader – we would have elected him President? No – it’s because of who his father was that got him over.
We up here in Washington, DC and the rest of the FREE North call it WHITE PRIVILEGE. Look it up and you’ll see pictures of every white person in America that sh*t pissed away opportunity after opportunity and still got the brass ring because of the color of their skin – point blank…
If you watched the RNC convention (I’m assuming you were off somewhere drinking beer and not being coherent enough actually listen and comprehend what was being said) Fred “Law & Order” Thompson pointed out John McCain’s 300 demerits while in the military. Who in the hell is proud of that fact? Nothing but a old, senile man who after he came back from Vietnam took one look at his wife (who was disfigured in a car accident) divorced her and took up with his current wife Cindy McCain. Why do you think his children from his first marriage don’t really care for their own father or their step-mother? That picture of them on the cover of People magazine was truly staged and I know it was painful to even be in the same room with the 2 of them to even do the cover. Read the article and you’ll see for yourself – his kids aren’t too happy with him as a MAN, father, husband.
And you call this man patriotic? You call this man a leader? You call this man the answer to YOUR issues, this economic crisis, and this senseless war?
Please I would have written my own name on the ballot if Barack or Hillary weren’t my choices.
I can’t even believe what I’m hearing…
you people elected a dumb socialist who’s goal is to destroy the economy, erode the constitution, and sucker punch the middle class, George W. Bush.
I’m so glad America has a chance again to become the great country it was. You can tell a lot about a society by how it treats it’s weakest members.
You can thank us in 4 years!
It amazes me the level of childishness that goes on even after an election..
No matter who won, there was going to be backtalk about it the next day by the people who supposed the losing side.. Can’t we just be adults about this, and wait and see what happens when the victor takes office?
Why yes, I voted for the winner – Why? Because I don’t think McCain gave a crap about what the citizens wanted, he came off as only caring what HE wanted. That isn’t why you are elected to a public office, it’s why you rise in a private company…
I will be the first to say that I take everything BOTH sides say with a grain of salt – I’m hopeful that the things Obama says he will do, he actually will do – We all know that in any winner’s case, promises tend to be broken – it would have been just as likely if McCain won.
McCain gave a very honorable and humble speech last night, of which no one can say happened very often when he was running. Smears went back and forth, which is what the game seems to always turn to. At least in the end, he showed his dignity.
As for Obama supporters – How about knocking off the flaunting and giving crap to McCain supporters? It could have just as easily happened to you (like it did in the last two elections)
As for McCain supporters – Do you really think making claims like the whole world is going to end when Obama takes office help anyone at all? If you want to be cautious, by all means – but knock off the smearing because you’re on the losing team this time around.. It should be quite a sign that when your own hardcore supporters boo Palin when her name is said last night in AZ. It was simply a mistake, as everyone tends to do once in a while. We’re all human, and you’ll have a chance in 4 years again, if Obama doesn’t keep his word..
So how about we all grow up a little, and show the rest of the world we aren’t the arrogant idiots that we’ve come off to be in the last 10 years?
Wow Art,
I’m impressed by that witty come back. I’m sure you refused W’s “stimulus” check like all good neo-con’s did! When you got nothin else, you can always call names!!
Art – this isn’t the place for you to be calling people names – move on if you’re not going to act like an adult.. We can all disagree, but the name calling is just childish, and we all know that..
Would you be so kind as to repost Art’s last reply to me, just to show your readers how far out of hand this has gotten. He refered to me as a leftist troll, which is fine, maybe I am. But he also infered my mother should have aborted me in her first trimester. That completely crosses the line of decency and as far as I’m concerned Art should be banned from posting until he can get a handle on his attitude. Sure, he’s upset about Obama winning the election. It was a clean win, fair and square. The democrats of this nation had to endure 2 questionable election win’s by W et al, but never did I hear anyone wish someone had been aborted as Art did. Anyone else with me on this?
I’ve been monitoring this “debate” if you can call it that. It’s more like a third-grade argument. The name calling part is very childish. I would hope that people would act like adults and discuss things and feelings responsibly. It’s OK if someone else doesn’t agree with you. You’re NOT always right, contrary to what some people think.
I’ve debated about pulling the plug on the whole post, but haven’t yet. I don’t want to do that, but I’m not saying I won’t. Nor, do I want to censor anyone. I have censored a few words, but have pretty much left the comments in tact.
Let’s try to take a breath and be a tad more civil to our fellow citizens of the world. It’s not ALL ABOUT YOU and your feelings. Other people have feelings too. Now, go out and play well together… or I’ll ground you all!
I didn’t know,
“We up here in Washington, DC and the rest of the FREE North call it WHITE PRIVILEGE. … white person in America … still got the brass ring because of the color of their skin”
So, you’re not only a dumbass, you’re a racist, too. I guess that by “FREE” you mean always in line with your hand out. As for “WHITE PRIVILEGE”, the privilege is all yours, jerk.
Here’s some white people “pissing away” their “opportunities”:
Get out of those cultural studies classes before your entire brain turns to mush. Ooops, too late.
Excuse me, but I wasn’t the one who brought up abortion or insulted McCain. Simply look at the timing of the posts to see who initiated this.
“And while I’m p*ssed and on a rant about conservative bullsh*t, why is it that a fetus in the first trimester of gestation, that can’t survive outside the uterus is so sacred.” – tomac
If you’re going to put up posts suggesting that McCain’s a “coward” or that human life isn’t sacred, you should have the sac to handle the response.
Just like a leftist to try to silence his opposition!
“After all, you, and your fellow leftists, are barely able to survive outside the womb without a government handout.”
I’m sure all those leftist Nobel Prize winners who supported Obama won their prizes from welfare, and not hard work.
“If they try to tear down the US constitution and impose a socialist nightmare, well, you get the picture.”
Who exactly did this? I do believe that if you do some little research you’ll find that the worst enemies of the constitution, of civil freedoms, have been the right wingers.
And haven’t you people heard about social democracies?
So much hate and pessimism. That’s the spirit…
I still it’s it’s kinda cool.
And we still don’t know what will happen next.
Obama lied.
Impeach Obama.
dont blame me in 4 years, i voted for Ron Paul. Muhahahahahaha!
Just explain the inconsistancy in sacredness of life from a conservatives view. Why is a fetus viewed as sacred and its wrong to be aborted, but a young soldier can be sent to the front line for a sure death sentence? That’s all I want to know. You’re smart guy and I’d like to hear your answer.
Not sure how y’all are connecting Obama & 1st trimester abortions…
“But Obama’s record on abortion is extreme. He opposed the ban on partial-birth abortion — a practice a fellow Democrat, the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, once called “too close to infanticide.” Obama strongly criticized the Supreme Court decision upholding the partial-birth ban. In the Illinois state Senate, he opposed a bill similar to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which prevents the killing of infants mistakenly left alive by abortion.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/01/AR2008040102197.html
“In March 2003, registered nurse Jill Stanek submitted a statement to the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services committee in which she reported that infants who survived abortions at her Oak Lawn hospital were sometimes “taken to the Soiled Utility Room and left alone to die.” Stanek was lobbying the committee to approve the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002, which would have recognized any infant born alive after an abortion as a human being deserving legal protection. Barack Obama, then the committee chairman, defeated the bill with his fellow Democrats in a 6-4 party-line vote.” http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/015/404kfgky.asp
tomac, you’re wrong. Art ain’t smart.
How can you compare a fetus to a soldier?
All American soldiers VOLUNTEER to be in the armed forces knowing full well that they can be called to go to war at any time, and possibly die. IT’S THEIR JOB… TO BE READY TO GO TO WAR! No matter if the war is unpopular or not, they go. That’s what they signed up for. And thankfully there are young men who do just that. I can’t speak for all the troops, but over and over I hear from many of them in the news, etc. that they WANT to be there for our country’s continued freedom. Can someone find reliable statistics that show how many soldiers that are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan want to be there and how many that do not want to be there? I’d like to know.
A helpless fetus is there to mature into a helpless baby that is born, that in turn matures into an adult that can usually decide what to do for him/herself. No fetus or infant has ever volunteered to die. An adult who volunteers to be soldier can make that decision.
Q: President Bush has talked about our staying in Iraq for 50 years — ” (cut off by McCain)
McCain: “Make it a hundred.”
And in 100 years when we have no economy, no health care, nothing but born to die solders shipped in and shipped out, you would be wishing you had voted differently (or in some cases, VOTED AT ALL)
He might not bring change.. maybe not right away.. but what Obama does bring is A CHANCE… The opportunity that McCain flat out denied all of us. And if you have a problem with getting a chance at something better, you can take it up with the majority, because conspiracies theories are fine when its UFOs, but the fact is Obama won fair and square.
Our president elect has made a promise to give us change.. we have a CHANCE at CHANGE and we should be grateful enough to give him the same chance. You people make me sick, whining and b*tching when you now have a CHANCE to make this nation better then it was.. Could we do that with McCain? Maybe, but obviously the blowhards who wanted him to win so bad.. said he should have won.. didn’t bother to vote, and that’s their own danged fault. I VOTED! My voice counted, and if, in 4 years, Obama has failed, It’s on my shoulders.. but because I voted I have every right to tell you lazy whiners to STFU. You lost that chance.. take the next one that comes along.
tomac the comment you refer to should have been removed it was rude but you dont have to cry like a baby be a man or woman or what ever the hell you are,now for the liberals that want to bitch me I said President Obama was my President Im not going to refer to him as Hitler like you liberals did Bush, you called Bush everything in the book and showed him no respect,caligirl nice comment DAYUM I love you
“… hope u can die soon” Nice, real nice. I personally threatened no one, called for the assassination of no one. I’m not a violent person. Angry & bitter? Sure, I’ll admit to that. But, we as Americans resolve our political differences at the ballot box, not with a call to violence or a hope to it either. You want to debate me? Sure, I’ll debate with you. I wish McCain would have ended his concession speech with these words,”God help you, and God help the United States of America.” It would have been classic.
Conservatives, return to your roots. We’ve lost our way.
Holy crap! Why all the hatred??? I fail to understand how so many so-called adults can spew all of this hate all of the time. ENOUGH!!!! The left hated and still hates G.W. Bush but he’s on his way out so can we all just please try this again? I’ll repeat my earlier words: I did not vote for Obama, but he’s now my president-elect so I’m going to support him!! Simple as that! What possible good could come from me hating him? I’m old enough to know that when you hate, YOU are the one carrying the burden, not the target of your hatred. You folks that want to rip each other apart, do the rest of us a favor and exchange e-mails or something so that we can get back to decent discussion and debate without all the poison!!
clam down
Congratulations to Obama & Co.
It was about time the American people had a couple of not-so-bad candidates to consider.
Dan, spot on!
I have a copy of what was said. For some reason I left this blog open .
What was being said here was so immature that I wanted to share it with my wife. I think the comment about obama taking our money just to give it to wellfare queens was laughable.
I think last nights southpark was dead on . It turns out that the world didnt end..
I would like to call to everyone’s attention to the rest of the world’s reaction to Obama’s win. When was the last time you saw so much hope and jubilation? When Dubya was elected? No, that’s not it. It’s obvious that the US has a huge impact on foreign lands, and if they have the insight to see that this man represents the potential to make THEIR lives better, why are we fighting amongst ourselves?
Walk a day in their shoes. Then come back and count your blessings.
You and your fellow conservitives already have. He’s been compared to Hitler, Carl Marx, Mussolini (sp), he’s been called a fascist, a socialist and damn near every other “ist” in the book. So…I’m laying this thing to rest. You guys have your opinions, and we have ours. We aren’t going to split this nation into the north and south as was tried a 140 years ago. After all, isn’t this what makes America a great nation? The ability to live together despite our differences, coming together in time of crisis and need?
Things are the way they are, Obama is everyone’s president and I believe he’ll do what right for everyone. One last comment, go “hit” someone, we’ll all feel better!
Just as people said in 2004 when George W. Bush was elected president, I now will say in a slightly different way: he is not MY president. And by he, I mean Barack Hussein Obama.
He doesn’t support my views, therefore will not get my support.
I cannot wait to see him fail to deliver the goods. Change is not coming!
I can’t believe that some people think that Obama can do a worse job than Bush…
For everyone saying he is not YOUR president.. for the people who whine and bitch about change, who can’t deal with the fact that the leader of the free world had more balls then them and is trying to do exactly what needs to be done despite the odds…. When things do change, when you’re able to pay your bills, when you’re not risking losing your home, when your children have a chance at collage and you have health care you can afford… I want you to deny yourself all those things, because you don’t WANT them, so you don’t deserve them.
“I cannot wait to see him fail to deliver the goods. Change is not coming!”
Those of you who feel this way..
Wouldn’t it be to your best interest for the president to be successful?
Are you forgetting how things are at the moment? Or are you just blinded by hatred?
Malalibop –
Just don’t know how I’m gonna pay those bills when my employer has been taxed beyond all reason and he has laid me off or gone out of business, when the Bush tax cuts have been allowed to expire costing me thousands more, when the death taxes and capital gains taxes and bunches of other taxes have been reinstated or increased, when the coal company in my county has been a victim of Obama’s brilliant plan to ‘bankrupt’ them, when the economy collapses under new terrorist attacks with a neutered military unable to cope, when illegal immigration increases because of free medical care and drivers licenses and more benefits for them, and when my 401K / IRA has been taken over by the Dems.
The kind of change I don’t need.
— “I cannot wait to see him fail to deliver the goods. Change is not coming!”
Those of you who feel this way..
Wouldn’t it be to your best interest for the president to be successful?
Are you forgetting how things are at the moment? Or are you just blinded by hatred? —
They hate Obama so much that they wish to be worse in 4 or more years, just to be right.
Pride, one of the capital sins.
Reader – are you talking about the Republicans the last 2 days or the Democrats the last 8 years?
Can’t we all just have a nice intervention with Dr. Phil? Yeah, we f*cken liberals have railed on Bush pretty hard the past 8 years. Sorry if we hurt your feelings, but I’m not too keen on paying $4/gallon for gas while Bush’s cronies in the oil business make record profits of $40,000,000,000+ annually. http://money.cnn.com/2008/02/01/news/companies/exxon_earnings/ And how about retirement? Are all you Obama haters gonna retire when you want to? Do you have enough to pay for college for your kids? And how about your home mortgage-have you been foreclosed on yet?
You see, all the sh*t that has happened to us “leftist trolls” compliments of the Bush administration, has happened to YOU too. We’re just not content putting our heads in the sand and saying everything’s great, lets have 4 more! The way things are right now with our country, liberals and conservatives alike should be p*ssed and screaming for a change. We can’t accurately predict what Obama is going to do but I for one believe he is capable of turning this country around, regaining respect for America in the global arena, and making improvements in each and every persons life. And, if he screws up somehow, and I’m sure he will, then you guys can have your fun. Until then lets ALL shut up, grow up, and see what happens.
tomac thanks for the concern but I can make it through any Obama mess we have Im a rich Conservative,and dont give me the big oil crap compare the percentage of profit with Mircosoft,look who makes more!why dont you liberals go after Microsoft,profits belong to the company NOT THE GOVERMENT,do you want to take the profits and give them to deadbeats? heres a FACT giving money to the poor has never helped them it only makes more of them aka the new deal and let us not forget LBJ
cool. by the way i just put up my impeach obama bumper sticker. muhahaha! Dont feel bad if McCain had won i would have an ‘impeach McCain” sticker on now.
Are you really a rich fat cat conservative? I’ve watched your postings for some time and it seems like the only thing you claim to be good at is scr*win’ anything with boobs. “I’d hit it!!” over and over. That sounds like something a deep south, redneck, confederate flag flying, rich fat cat wanna be would say. Nice punctuation. “No child left behind”? I think not! I’m done here.
Yes I am rich ,are you? I dont act my age and I have a good sense of humor and Im done here too