91 thoughts on “Hope”

  1. Yep…hope is a good word. Hope he doesn’t raise my taxes, hope he doesn’t take what is mine and give to some welfare queen, hope he doesn’t wreck the economy, hope he doesn’t pull us out of an worldwide war against Islamic Fascism and collectively put our heads in the sand, I know he hopes that now “the world will love us”, hope he doesn’t completely repudiate what I firmly believe in (opposition to gay marriage, opposition to the wholesale slaughter of our unborn children,…), and hope he doesn’t try to take away my constitutional right to keep and bear arms (actually I know he’s gonna try). One thing I hope happens real soon? I hope America wakes up and realizes what a monumental mistake was made tonight.

  2. I didn’t expect the result of the elections to be so clear. Anyway Americans want the change. The hard days are now starting for Obama. Here in Greece we say “siderokafalos”, means ironheaded, lets hope Obama will be so strong to make the change.

  3. This is gonna be great. Everyone who complained over the last 8 years can finally shut up. When things go bad under Obama, Hollywood etc won’t be able to say a thing. The Daily Show might have to disappear for a few years. It will be such a peaceful slide into the gutter.

  4. No Scott they will still blame Bush,liberals do no wrong its always somebody else,It will be fun to watch what the liberal media does everytime he fuc*s up

  5. I wasn’t the least bit serious. The big mouths have made it seem like it will be heaven with a democrat. But they can’t be quiet, and you said just what I would have said. Bush will be blamed for years.

  6. Well, congratulate your new president!

    (And it’s funny that his name Barack is a meaningful word in Hungarian. 😛 It means ‘peach’.)

  7. It surely is a SAD day for our nation! Heck, a sad time for the next 4 years!!! It’s hard to fathom SO MANY people were suckered by the false hope Obama generated. I thought we were a smarter nation than that.

  8. With respect, who give a flyin’ flip what people in Croatia think about our president. I’m in agreement with the other posters here, it will be funny when the press inevitably turns on the messiah. I do have to say that even though I didn’t vote for him, I refuse to hate Obama the way that the left has always been towards Bush. You know, George Bush, the guy that somehow has keep us from another terrorist attack for all of these years since 911–Hollywood jerk-offs included! Anyway, that’s my rant, and for what it’s worth, Barrack will be MY president too, so I’ll support him…begrudgingly.
    By the way, I live in Alaska, so I’ll be more than happy to take Palin back as my governor, so Matt Damon shut the hell up!! Thanks to her, I got an ADDITIONAL $1200.00 this from the oil company’s deep pockets, on top of the usual $2000.00. Mr. Obama, that’s the proper way to put money in someone’s pocket, not by taking from people who have succeeded in life, but by siphoning off a smidgen of the mighty oil companies profits!!

  9. Well said mcw,yea he will be my President too even if I dont agree with him,thats the difference with the right and the left we can lose with grace something the liberals will never have and we dont sue and demand recounts

  10. It is a sad day for freedom loving Americans. Old Glory is coming down and my new flag is going up today “Dont Tread On Me”
    Does anyone else remember the words “we will take over America without firing a shot” now its been done.

  11. Maybe this can the start of the American people regaining some respect from the rest of the world. The re-election of Dubya was one of the most moronic democratic decisions in political history. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

  12. Hope my &!$#! ass. This guy is the most unqualified jerkoff to ever run for president. When he destroys our economy, takes your money, and lets Islam take us over, I hope his “HOPE” was worth it for you assholes.

  13. Dan – You are one of the Obama kool-aid drinkers. It will probably be watermelon flavored after the rose garden is replaced with a watermelon patch.

  14. Everyone is just pissed off because the Republicant’s screwed up this country and now we need a Democrat (black or not) to come in and fix it. (and yes I know how I spelled it)

  15. LOL @ all of the SORE AND SORRY losers in this comments list. You guys all deserve a hug and a pat on the head and a “nice try”.

    Oh, and let’s thank Bush, he made it much easier. So for all you turducken-eating, banjo-playing, sister-marrying people who think they’re “reign” over the world has ended: we have a new H.N.I.C. 🙂

  16. I did as I promised. I voted for the guy who was more likely to lose. Now I’m not responsible. Obama gets on-the-job training and we all HOPE he can do it right. McCain Palin scared me just as much so I just HOPE things get better. The best news is that Bush will be leaving office soon. Any choice was superior to his staying.

  17. I’m from Argentina and i have many friends in USA i talk to regularly. There’s lots of stuff i admire about americans (in lack of a better term, i’m american too actually since i live in america, but let’s leave this aside for now), about your lifestyle and ways of thinking. But there’s times (unfortunately a lot) that you guys really surprise me, i mean, bush keeping USA from being attacked by terrorists ?? Worldwide War against Islamic Fascism ? Bush is one of the greatest terrorists of all time, wish someone could tell us how many people he has killed and how many lifes he’s ruined with all these useless wars he’s gotten into. Not to mention the deplorable state in which he’s left your country’s and, why not, worldwide economy.
    I was chatting with a friend of mine some time ago, he was really eager to join the army. And i was rather surprised, since that’s pretty rare in my country, there was a time when it was mandatory and everyone tried to avoid it. So i asked him what he thought about the war in Iraq, and he said they were trying to help. I said “Shouldn’t we leave others to their business” and he asked me “If you see a guy robbing someone, wouldn’t you go help him?”, to what i answered “Ok, throwing a grenade to kill the thief but killing them both would solve the problem?” And he got pretty pissed and told me i wasn’t aware of what really happens, and that was the end of the conversation. Isn’t that a rough example, in a much smaller scale, of what happens in a war ? Leaving aside the fact that they don’t start for “noble” reasons such as the example mentioned, is that the way to solve our problems ? Blow everything up and ruin people’s lifes ?
    It seems to me that a lot of americans have been brainwashed to ridiculous levels, i see you guys dying to go to war, eager to shoot people and blow $hit up. And the worst part is that you (some, not all again) think it’s for the greater good, to help others.
    When you say that the rest of the world hates you, there’s some truth in it, but nobody sees the whole picture. I don’t think it’s a matter of being evil or abusing power, it’s just that there’s a whole society eating all the BS your mandatories throw at you.

    I say all of this with all the due respect, i may be wrong in some stuff. I don’t want to start an argue i’m just throwing in my 2 cents.

  18. Dan,
    I agree with you entirely. Just like in 2000 though, it was not an election, it was a carefully planned “selection” at the hands of the many dark, corrupt figures in conservative politics. Now, that should really p*ss off Infidel, Art, Tyk and the rest of you that are convinced were are headed for economic and social diseaster. Hey “my friends” look around, were already there!!! Your puppet president and his countless corrupt handlers are the primary reason that this country has gone down the sh*tter past 8 years. Oh, I know, it’s all Bill Clintons fault. It didn’t take long for W take care of that big fat surplus he left behind. Hey, W is a “war president” and wars are expensive!. And all the progress in Afghanistan and Iraq is sooo obvious. What’s the body count up to now? And I feel sooo much better that Bin Laden is in custody!

    And while I’m p*ssed and on a rant about conservative bullsh*t, why is it that a fetus in the first trimester of gestation, that can’t survive outside the uterus is so sacred. Yet it’s perfectly acceptable to put an 18 year old kid on the front line of an illegal war and let he and > 4,000 of his buddies get their arm, legs, and brains blown out. An 18 year old kid that could have been president, that could have been a Nobel Prize winner, that could have been a skilled surgeon that helped thousands of suffering individuals or could have been a teacher that helped shape your child or grandchilds future. It’s OK to allow this 18 year old kid to get his head blown off, but aborting a nonviable fetus for medical reasons is wrong. Isn’t ALL life sacred and should ALL life be protected? How can you pick and choose who’s OK to kill and who’s not? This is hipocracy at it’s finest and it makes me sick.

    I’m anxious to hear the remarks all you neo-cons and right wingers have. I’m proud to have Obama as my president.

  19. ……………………………………..________

  20. I didn’t know rednecks, KKK’s, in-breds knew how to use a computer. You all a smidgen smarter than I thought. But then again – you all are the same ones that fly the Confederate Flag, shout America First and chanted USA as if Barack Obama was from another country. Hawaii is a state in AMERICA.

    On another note – we have NOT seen the last of Sarah Palin – she’s gonna ride this moose likes it’s her 15 minutes of fame until she shoots it. She will be on talk shows and she may even have a lil’ talk show and it will be cancelled after 3 months because – she’s just not that interesting. Cute but not interesting. She’s the kind of woman you’d love to phuck but cant stand it when she talks.

    As for John McCain – he’ll be back on the Hill getting angry as usual like someone stole his bike. I know his wife is pissed because he lost. If anyone is taking this loss hard – it’s her and all of her Anheuser-Busch money. You’d think by underwriting the debates McCain would at least come out swinging and win at least one but he didn’t. Goes to show – you can have all the money in the world but if no one likes you – then you’re just lonely, old, and senile.

    Personally – I’m looking forward to seeing the Obama’s in the White House. I’m looking forward to seeing the Biden’s @ the VP House. They’re the most normal looking families we’ve seen in years in office.

    Now what makes Obama a REAL person is the fact that he woke up this morning the President of the United States. And he also woke up as a father who took his daughters to school.

    Is that a real man or what?

    Say what you want – but seriously during this entire campaign – did we ever see/hear John McCain be a father, a man or anything? He rode his time as a POW in Vietnam like it was the last thing smokin’ through the campaign. And furthermore – if he was such a real POW hero – why did we not hear one thing from anyone he served with during the war in Vietnam?. Not one person came out and said – yes I was with John McCain when he purposely flew us over a zone we were not supposed to be in and we got shot down. I owe my life to this man, even though he phucked up and got us shot down – when it came time to be released he chose to let me and my fellow soldiers go and he stayed. He stayed because he’s a freakin’ coward and he knew he was dead wrong for putting his fellow soldiers in harms way.

    Now – challenge that. He was a prisoner of war because he was hard-headed, stubborn and just plain stupid.

  21. MCW – right on.
    I did not support Obama at all, but he was elected president so I will go along with and support whatever it is he has in store.
    In regards to blaming Bush – Some countries you and your family would be shot for even thinking anything bad about your countries leader. I dont feel everyone here realizes how much freedom we really have.
    I support every decision he has made, and if put in the 9/11 position, would have made all the same choices myself. – and I was a Marine.

  22. /The big mouths have made it seem like it will be heaven with a democrat./

    Roosevelt and JFK were Democrat. Bush and Nixon Republican.
    I think people are just going with…well history.

  23. It is a GREAT morning and a GREAT day in AMERICA!
    Yes, there is HOPE. Hope that the war in Iraq will soon be over. HOPE that affordable health care will be made available to all Americans. HOPE that instead of a divided America, there will be one America. Also HOPE that the greed and the “me first” selfish mentality of the last 8 years will be gone as will the mean-spirited nastiness, though I doubt it by many of the comments I have read here.
    I would much rather HOPE and work for a greater and stronger country than continue on the destructive path we have been on. I kind of feel sorry for those of you who do not join us in our Hope. You must be very sad and bitter. And for those of you who may comment that HOPE is somehow naieve or idealistic or unrealistic, let me say “F@#k You,” now so I don’t have to waste my time later.
    By the way, we are not headed for gloom and doom and economic collapse, we are HOPEfully digging our way out of all of that and the mess we are in.
    Also, Obama is not going to raise my taxes, or yours unless you make more than $200,000 a year. The real stupidity is believing that our nation can spend more and tax less. If you believe that philosophy, try it in your home. Go to your boss, ask him/her to cut your pay, then increase your spending. See what happens. Cut and spend does not make sense and it just does not work (see America under “W”).
    I can’t promise that Obama will be successful in all he tries to do. Too many factors come into play. He has “inherited” a mess. But I can say I am glad that he, and we, have the opportunity to try.
    Enjoying the day and HOPEfully the next 4-8 years

  24. I HOPE every single one of you complaining about the new president elect voted. You really have NO right to complain… yet. He hasn’t even began his term.

  25. tomac,

    “An 18 year old kid that could have been president, that could have been a Nobel Prize winner, that could have been a skilled surgeon that helped thousands of suffering individuals or could have been a teacher that helped shape your child or grandchilds future.”

    Or, he could have been an ignorant leftist troll, like you. If your mother had taken care of you in the first trimester things might indeed be better. After all, you, and your fellow leftists, are barely able to survive outside the womb without a government handout.

    “How can you pick and choose who’s OK to kill and who’s not?”

    Here’s a primer. If they attack our country or any of our allies, they’re fair game. (That includes shooting at US pilots executing a mission supported not only by the US but the UN) If they murder hundreds of thousands of people, including small children, they’re fair game. If they try to tear down the US constitution and impose a socialist nightmare, well, you get the picture.

  26. I didn’t know,

    “He stayed because he’s a freakin’ coward and he knew he was dead wrong for putting his fellow soldiers in harms way.”

    “Now – challenge that. He was a prisoner of war because he was hard-headed, stubborn and just plain stupid.”

    Wow, another lefty asshole who “cares about the troops”. At times it seems like a crime that scum like you are born here and have the opportunities that other, better men, like John McCain have secured through their blood and sacrifice. The only “freak” or “coward” here is you.

  27. Cry me a river, don’t you guys know that elections are always fought between a douche-bag and a turd-sandwich.

    Also as for comment about “islamic fascism”, it sounds funny coming from a guy who supported neocon waging a war against a nation who has done absolutely nothing to deserve it (Iraq). McCain would have gone down Bush cabinets path, and crumbled economy even more.

    I also think Obama is bound to fail. People who chose him have put way too much hope into him, way beyond what he has promised. I think he will have huge trouble trying to implement his economic promises, and even if they are implemented, they will do squat all to solve the current problems.

    I still like Ike, and if there was a choice I would have supported Ron Paul, both true conservatives.

    So as I said, choices were between douche-bag and a turd-sandwich.


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