5 thoughts on “A Vote for McCain is a vote for…. Grandpa Simpson?”

  1. ONLY 2 COMMENTS SO FAR? What about the 100 people that griped about the Obama Monkey picture? Where are the 35 people who jumped at the opportunity to complain when they morphed Obama to Satan? OH, I forgot, when we make fun of old people, women, fat people etc… it’s just funny!!! Are you kidding me, come on!
    We live in the computer age, where we mess with famous peoples bodies & faces. If we improve their look, which actually has long term mental effects on our youth, then it’s okay. If we make up something ridiculous that you know isn’t real then people cry because it might hurt someone’s feelings. This is quite backwards indeed.

  2. No Timo. The Obama picture was clearly racist. The person who chose to “accentuate” the photo was either very unlucky or willfully chose the features that would put it in the same category as as some of the old black caricatures from the early part of the 20th century. I don’t think the McCain photo is funny, but it’s also not even in the same ballpark as a racist caricature. Why you don’t see that is beyond me, but I’ll just chalk it up (at least partly) to the kind of willful blindness that comes with political partisanship.


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