8 thoughts on “To catch a thief – Part II”

  1. That’s what I have two real dogs. One is Husky/Chow and the other is Greyhound/Lab.

    That Raccon would have any serious theological questions answered before he got his first pawful of food.

    And that cat? Please!

  2. ..say what you will about the cat…the cat is smart it knows a Raccoon is not to be messed with…even a big dog can have some serious hurts from a Raccoon…loved how he ate the food…

  3. Reminds me of a local family’s incident. A skunk snuck in the dog door, was eventually trapped in the cupboard (where it sprayed 3 times). Eventually, they made a little tunnel to the front door and it wandered out…only to go around the house and come back in the doggie door again.


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