29 thoughts on “Does this nose ring make my face look fat?”

  1. I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. And don’t give me the “to each his own” spiel.

    The world is definitely running down.

  2. I think that huge ring in his nose might be photoshopped. I’ve never seen one sold that big anywhere. Of course, judging by how thin his lobes are, I wouldn’t doubt he’d be stupid enough to put that in his nose, since he’s already killing his ears.

  3. Feaien thinks the photo is fake because you’ve never seen a nose ring for sale that size? “I’ve never seen it, so it must not exist” how narrow minded.

    It looks like a Chinese door knocker I saw…. I think you could go to Home Depot and find a hundred things that look like this. Surely more complicated metal objects have been custom made right?

    And as for Markus, It’s pretty sad if you think this is a sign of the state the world is in, or the direction it’s headed. Some idiot punching holes in his face is a pretty minor issue. Humans have been doing it for thousands of years. A lot of weird people are really smart. For all you know this kid may figure out how to cure cancer.

    Infidel…. You’re cool.

  4. Personally, I’m comforted when people make it so easy to judge their intelligence instantly. I would know immediately that that person is NOT qualified to do many, many things.

  5. Did you ever notice that confidant, goodlooking people
    never do this sort of thing. Get a job and start making some
    money. Eventually you’ll look back on this period of your life and
    get a chuckle from this.

  6. Attention Whores. These are losers who grew up with no friends and crave attention. This pisses me off. I get angry when I see these tools. He/She is likely not a contributing member to society, and if he/she is….it makes a bad impression on his/her country. Terrible. I would likely throw a brick at this persons face……

  7. yes humans have been doing it for eons. SO WHAT! This is the present.
    This is not some sort of ancient ritual, this is, “Oh, look at me, I am sooo
    different. I am so anti-norm.” So anti-normal”
    Funny, because in the drive to be so differrent, they are being so un-original.

    Look at the larger picture. When I say the world is running down I am
    refering what people have to resort to in order to order to be or stay
    stimulated. It is not like when the ancients did it for religous or tribal
    purposes. It is done now out of some sort of boredom or because of
    some sort of ego thing. The ancients had a purpose. Now it is just for kicks.

    Cure cancer? Give me a break with the group hug crap.

  8. hey fred carrow.

    I have piercings.

    I have tattoos.

    I am also a mechanical engineer and I design the medical devices that may one day save your life.

    What do YOU do for a living?

  9. Action: The thought of doing something as stupid as sticking a door knocker through a piercing never crossed my mind. Anyone who has experience with healing and stretching piercings properly should know better. I only stated I’ve never seen proper body jewelry that big. I also stated, judging by the poor state of health of his lobes, I wouldn’t doubt he would be stupid enough to put something not made for body piercings in his body.

  10. I have a septum piercing and some other piercings and I’m good looking, people. I’m sure he doesn’t wear that every single day. Tons of people have their septums stretched.

  11. “Don’t judge me, man. You don’t know me!!” he/she says.
    Well, I WILL judge you because, by your looks and actions, you are BEGGING me to judge you.
    What’s going on on the OUTSIDE is a reflection of what’s going on in your HEAD.

    markus … you NAILED it, bro!

  12. hey fred carrow, markus, and anybody criticizing this guy and/or people who differentiate from conservative society and get a few piercing/tatoos, i stand at 6 piercings right now. i plan to get representative tatoos with my friends, and many more piercings. two of my piercings are stretched to 00g and two others are stretched to 4g. but i’m smart. i have self confidence. my iq is 132, and last time i checked, that means i’m a genius. i have a major involvement in performing arts, love studying foreign languages and science, am going to a performing arts magnet high school, plan to go to college, plan to start music buisnesses or teach, have already started writing my own music, and have 2 albums ready to record with my band. “what’s the point of this?” you may ask. i’m demonstrating that just because people may do some ‘extreme’ or different things to their appearance, it shows absolutely nothing as to what kind of person they are. you can be successful, smart, and have excellent character and look like a ‘freak’. I’m not trying to brag, but merely proving a point. STOP JUDGING PEOPLE; IT IS AN UNINTILLEGENT AND IGNORANT THING TO DO.

  13. wow. okay thts a lil too much. bt from wat i can see, tht looks verryy photoshopped, i jst took a class on tht this year n it jst isnt convincing. n it looks wayyy to big, especially for his nose n nostrils. bt idk, idc, this guy, is simply weird. good for him

  14. It’s a form of expression. You may not do it, I may not do it, but he does, and you are the idiot to judge. It’s stupid to be against just a distracting peice of metal on your face. Who knows? He could be a genius, he could be a millionaire.
    Appearence is skin deep, and you people are too judgemental.

    PS: I’m 13 and have my nose and cartalidge done.

  15. People can honestly express themselves however they want. And all you other people have no room to judge them. I’m only 15 and I have a bullring, snakebites and a tongue ring. So for all those little immature ones, grow up and stop judging people.

  16. honestly. who the fuck cares? “Anyone who has experience with healing and stretching piercings properly should know better” <-pretty sure i’ve stretched my ears before/THEY ARE STILL STRETCHED and im dealing with it pretty fine. just because you’re too ignorant, closed minded, and fugly doesnt mean you can criticize his face. dont act like you know what you’re talking about when you’re absolutely CLUELESS. maybe you’re just missing a little thing called personality.

  17. Hahaha…haha….ha

    I like how everyone cares what this kid has in is face, even though it’s probably fake.

    Even if it’s not, who cares?

  18. people keep saying this is fake but im pretty sure it isnt because many people stretch there septums intact im doing it its just a customized bar so it would of been made for him


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