9 thoughts on “Newspapers”

  1. Isnt that getting a little old?? We all know you’d hit anything with two legs and a hold
    Its not even funny anymore

  2. A hymn to The Messiah. This country is about to get Change alright. Like the passengers on the Titanic got Change after the boat hit the berg.

    Art…you must be, like me, old enuf to remember the Cult of Mao…the blind adoration of the Chinese dictator and the willingness to obey him no matter what.
    This is deja vu all over again.

  3. DJ
    Maybe you didn’t notice that the Captain of the Titanic for the last 7 and a half years has been George W Bush. And you appear to want 4 more years of the McSame. Unless, of course, the 72 year old 4 time melanoma survivor kicks off, and then we get President Palin. You know, the candidate that people like Arlen Specter, Chuck Hagel, Kathleen Parker, and William Kristrol have declared unfit to hold the position. Frankly, change is exactly what this country needs. My suggestion is open up your mind and deal with it.

  4. Hmmm…

    McCain wins, McCain dies a year into his second term, Palin steps up….

    ……my bro-in-law always said the Anti-Christ would be a woman.


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