Yeah, this being a new-based site that is designed for the edification of the independant voter, I’d hate to see any bias or joke-making going on in one of these posts.
wow. I didn’t know McCain hung out with sitting bull!
I’m not sure if its going to be riggable voting macines
or his association with sitting bull. I think this election
is all about our willingness to stomach the vulgarities
of the past administration without getting behind the
inevitable mudslide that will get Bush and his other
puppet friends and hopefully a few puppet string pulling
lobbyists mudded in by impeachment. Bush’s crimes are
way worse than Bill and Monika’s oral exam.
So. look more closely at what up with impeaching the
desctoyers of america’s economy and her reputation
As of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than any other country in the world. One and a half million every year…
infidel is correct…with the freedom to come & go as we please, more people are striving to come to this country and fewer are leaving it than any other nation on the globe.
2004 Immigration to the US:
#1 Mexico
#2 China
#3 Philippines
#4 India
#5 Cuba
#6 Vietnam
#7 El Salvador
#8 Dominican Republic
#9 Canada
#10 South Korea
Try giving him a “high five”, should be good for a laugh – whining crippled bastard can’t lift his arms after that spa treatment he got at the Hanoi Hilton.
Don’t call him “whitey” it makes it sound like you attend some hateful, racist black church.
Canada has a prime minister, not a president.
Man, I can see all our fallen heroes out there – I gotta lay of the sauce.
Remember, there are only 50 states – not 57.
When you said “Great Depression” you were talking about the way you felt when he ran that ad reminding people that your economic advisors worked for Fannie Mae.
Why does Joe Biden keep trying to copy my notes???
If he brings up that “war hero” shit, tell everyone how your uncle, serving in the American Army, liberated Auschwitz. Man, that Harvard education really pays dividends.
We need more troops in Afghanistan “so that we’re not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians”.
If McCain tries to imply that I’m muslim, remind everyone that this is not a Christian nation and that only bitter people cling to religion.
Only use the “n” word backstage! And only when talking to Jesse Jackson.
Look around before using the words “cracker” or “white trash”, you know how sensitive the base can be.
If you feel one of your incoherent stammering attacks coming on, nod to Jim Lehrer, he’ll cover our ass, he’s one of us.
Don’t giggle when you mention that Iran, North Korea and Venezuela are “little countries that can’t possibly pose a threat”.
If you get stumped by a question, remind everyone that you were a community organizer like Jesus, only smarter, and that people will say of your candidacy that this was the time when the oceans stopped rising.
Tell everyone that you can solve the mortgage crisis by pardoning Tony Rezco and having him buy half of their house just like he did for me.
Remember, if things look bad, you can always fall back on that old Democrat standby and offer to buy the suckers vote with other peoples money.
Talk about how you opposed the Iraq war as much as possible. DO NOT make any mention of how you had no alternative plan to deal with Saddam. Talk about how you’ll get Osama bin Laden because al Qaeda would never find someone else to direct their organization.
Ha! I can type my notes – unlike that cripple who can’t even use a keyboard. Mention how he doesn’t use a computer or email!!!
DJ – I have absolutely no doubt about any of that…but those who come here legally aren’t usualy “risking their lives” to do so. I’m assuming he was referring to those coming over in makeshift boats and hopping over the fence, trying to avoid the boarder guards.
wow, way to be non biased n your political views here Jonco.
^ Huh? Must be newbie.
Very Funny!
Yeah, this being a new-based site that is designed for the edification of the independant voter, I’d hate to see any bias or joke-making going on in one of these posts.
I also abhor sarcasm and satire.
wow. I didn’t know McCain hung out with sitting bull!
I’m not sure if its going to be riggable voting macines
or his association with sitting bull. I think this election
is all about our willingness to stomach the vulgarities
of the past administration without getting behind the
inevitable mudslide that will get Bush and his other
puppet friends and hopefully a few puppet string pulling
lobbyists mudded in by impeachment. Bush’s crimes are
way worse than Bill and Monika’s oral exam.
So. look more closely at what up with impeaching the
desctoyers of america’s economy and her reputation
I dont give a damn what other countries think of us,they must like us a lot if the people will risk their live to get into it
We’ve got a decent PR machine to the latino/a community. No doubt about that.
…I assume those are the countries you’re talking about, infidel.
As of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than any other country in the world. One and a half million every year…
infidel is correct…with the freedom to come & go as we please, more people are striving to come to this country and fewer are leaving it than any other nation on the globe.
2004 Immigration to the US:
#1 Mexico
#2 China
#3 Philippines
#4 India
#5 Cuba
#6 Vietnam
#7 El Salvador
#8 Dominican Republic
#9 Canada
#10 South Korea
Obama’s Notes
What state am I in?
Try giving him a “high five”, should be good for a laugh – whining crippled bastard can’t lift his arms after that spa treatment he got at the Hanoi Hilton.
Don’t call him “whitey” it makes it sound like you attend some hateful, racist black church.
Canada has a prime minister, not a president.
Man, I can see all our fallen heroes out there – I gotta lay of the sauce.
Remember, there are only 50 states – not 57.
When you said “Great Depression” you were talking about the way you felt when he ran that ad reminding people that your economic advisors worked for Fannie Mae.
Why does Joe Biden keep trying to copy my notes???
If he brings up that “war hero” shit, tell everyone how your uncle, serving in the American Army, liberated Auschwitz. Man, that Harvard education really pays dividends.
We need more troops in Afghanistan “so that we’re not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians”.
If McCain tries to imply that I’m muslim, remind everyone that this is not a Christian nation and that only bitter people cling to religion.
Only use the “n” word backstage! And only when talking to Jesse Jackson.
Look around before using the words “cracker” or “white trash”, you know how sensitive the base can be.
If you feel one of your incoherent stammering attacks coming on, nod to Jim Lehrer, he’ll cover our ass, he’s one of us.
Don’t giggle when you mention that Iran, North Korea and Venezuela are “little countries that can’t possibly pose a threat”.
If you get stumped by a question, remind everyone that you were a community organizer like Jesus, only smarter, and that people will say of your candidacy that this was the time when the oceans stopped rising.
Tell everyone that you can solve the mortgage crisis by pardoning Tony Rezco and having him buy half of their house just like he did for me.
Remember, if things look bad, you can always fall back on that old Democrat standby and offer to buy the suckers vote with other peoples money.
Talk about how you opposed the Iraq war as much as possible. DO NOT make any mention of how you had no alternative plan to deal with Saddam. Talk about how you’ll get Osama bin Laden because al Qaeda would never find someone else to direct their organization.
Ha! I can type my notes – unlike that cripple who can’t even use a keyboard. Mention how he doesn’t use a computer or email!!!
Man, Michelle is gonna be so proud of me!!!
DJ – I have absolutely no doubt about any of that…but those who come here legally aren’t usualy “risking their lives” to do so. I’m assuming he was referring to those coming over in makeshift boats and hopping over the fence, trying to avoid the boarder guards.