Beautiful butt picture seeking fame and fortune

Imagestoilet-viewAn email received here at B&P headquarters:

Hello. We are a research company called Formulation in Tokyo. We work for Japanese TV production companies.

One of our clients is producing a special TV show featuring unique, weird, rare images around the world.

They are showing many photos of weird stuff. And the producer found a very interesting toilet photo shown at your blog page below:

We are wondering if you own (possess) this particular photo. If so we would like to use this photo for the TV show. The license fee would be paid to you via wire-transfer or a check. We would need a higher resolution copy of this photo when we use it.

It would be aired one time in October (with possibility of one time re-run later) on TBS network in Japan.

If you don’t possess but you know the person who shot the picture, then please let me know the contact information.  Actually we are editing the TV show this Friday, so I would appreciate if I could have your answer today.

Thank you very much and I am waiting for your reply.

Unfortunately I won’t be able to reap the rewards, nor the fame, because I don’t own the picture they inquired about.  Butt, it is a good picture.

3 thoughts on “Beautiful butt picture seeking fame and fortune”

  1. Sounds like yet another scam to me – look at it this way. Unscrupulous person thinks they can make a quick buck using another persons picture. Says yes to the TV station (scammer) and then willingly gives their bank details away to receive that nice wire transfer…

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