W….T……F….but it does remind me of some high school guys that used to “roll” houses,ok dude if thats how you enjoy your weekend, rock on
That’s not exciting at all. For some real fun check out some youtube videos on how to make a potato cannon.
What a useless waste of time and resources.
W….T……F….but it does remind me of some high school guys that used to “roll” houses,ok dude if thats how you enjoy your weekend, rock on
so much work to do a s…like that 🙁 the guy must be nuts!
I hope that was his own house
That’s not exciting at all. For some real fun check out some youtube videos on how to make a potato cannon.
Might take some of the stealth out of a TP job.
Dude, you just TP’d your own house. Nice going, dumb ass.