Prostate exam chart

Prostate exam chart


I had a doctor visit today for a routine blood work-up.  My doctor informed me it’s time for another colonoscopy, so I have to make an appointment for that.  I’m in no hurry to do that.  Maybe next week…. or the week after.  He just said I need to have it done this year.  I’ll have to check my calendar for New Years Eve.

8 thoughts on “Prostate exam chart”

  1. i know charts are in now, but this chart doesnt make any sense.
    the legend should be the axis label, the blue graph deleted, …
    this is just reallly really bad.

  2. Yeah, or swap the two axis labels and lose the legend.
    This may be the nerdiest, most kill-joy comment I have ever made.
    Pardon me while I commit seppuku.

  3. Jonco…some advice here…

    Never go back to a doctor that keeps both of his hands on your shoulders during the prostate exam.

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