CERN is conducting an underground launch of their Large Hadron Collider which will basically create a small version of the big bang in order for us to understand how matter was created after the explosion happened. It could potentially help answer many questions about our universe; however, a professor is saying that there is a possibility of creating a black hole on earth that could potentially turn into chaos.
my physics professor says that the LHC would have to be over a hundred times more powerful to even come close to generating a black hole. however, even if it did it still wouldn’t be a big deal because it would be so small that it would ‘hawking evaporate’ in a fraction of a nano-second.
Im so glad it went according to plan when they turned it on yesterday…this is by far the most exciting science to happen in my 50 years, no hang on 51 years(birthday today).
Happy birthday Tony!
Im pretty stuck on its gonna swallow the world whole theory within the next 4 years .. yuck.
This is how our own universe was created so many years ago when an older, more advanced civilization ran this experiment.
No actual collisions have been attempted yet. so we still have a few weeks to wrap up doing things you have always wanted to do.
As seen in “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown.
If you want to know how it’s going over there here are their webcams.
Those webcams are GREAT!
Wow, I learned 3 things from this video.
1) How the LHC works.
2) What the brothers at CERN hope to learn.
3) Rap is terrible, even when performed by cute nerdy white chicks.