B&P reader mugshots #1

Here are the first of the Bits & Pieces readers mugshots.

Mike Firesmith
Mike firesmith
Mike is from Georgia.  Mike is a writer and has many articles here.

Christiaan25 is a Cardinal fan living in Cubland (Chicago, I assume)

WooHoo (or so he says)
WooHoo is from New Jersey… exit 17 to be exact… unless you’re coming from the other direction.  Then it’s exit 15.  Age unknown.

 He is 26 years old and lives in Mexico.  He says he rarely comments but is a constant reader for a long time. He has a blog:Checkpoint.  It’s in Spanish so I can’t read it.

Wanna see your mugshot here?  Send your picture and a little about you to [email protected].

9 thoughts on “B&P reader mugshots #1”

  1. Damn I look good! WMCHI? I can only hope.
    Oh, just to be the first – photoshopped for sure (poorly done BTW)
    I know I know, I look 21, but I’m a bit older.

  2. Yes, Cubland is the Chicago area. Luckily I grew up on the South Side. Thanks to my dad for being a Cardinals fan, and to my mom for being a Sox fan. Call me… the Anti-Cub.

  3. Oh, and WooHoo… you look like young Santa Claus in those old Rankin Bass stop motion Christmas specials! Awesome!!

  4. Edgar’s blog is good–lots of stuff he’s picked up from surfing in English. One poster is going to have gastric bypass surgery.

  5. Come on infidel, we want to see. Maybe if all the women gave a plea to see infidel……or are you hiding something?

  6. yes I am going to send in a pic,I will admit I dont think I am very photogenic but not too bad for a older dude

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